Udhava asked “:-Bhagavan,Tell me the order and methods of doing pooja to you.Narada,Vyasa,Acharya Sura who is son of Angirashave described it.Parameshty gave it to his son Brighu etc.Parameswara advised it to Parvathy.I know that it is best and greatest for all varna,all ashrama,for both man and woman.I would like to hear it from your own words.
Krishna said:- There are endless methods for my pooja and I will hear tell them in a concised summarized manner.Listen carefully.There are three main methods .1Vaidika 2Thanthrika 3.Mishra of the above two.
The sadhka can choose whichever is more suitable according to his guna and interest.If done with bhakthy and sradha and with swadharma and without desires in fruits of such karma,totally dedicated in me I will be pleased.One can meditate upon me either using an idol,or without idol,in the floor or earth,in fire,in ones own heart,in Brahmanas,or in Sun according to ones preference.Dedicating everything in me ,who is the swaguru of all ,one can follow any of these.
First clean the teeth ,mouth and body by regular baths.That os dehasudhi
For sudhi or purity of mind learn veda,manthra or thanthra.Do sandhyavandhana regularly with pure samkalpa .All words,deeds and thoughts should be made pure .
There are 8 types of idols.
1.of stone.2.of lepana /like chandan etc
3.of wood
4.of metals
5.of sand
6.drawn and painted
7.of precious jewels
8.made of mind (manasamkalpa ).
Idol is the temple for God .It can be either immobile remaining in one place or mobile ,which moves from place to place.
In sthiraprathishta one need not do udhwahana or aavaahana etc.In slagrama which is a moving stone idol one has to imagine me and see me.All needs bathing or abhisheka,except the lepana and the sand etc .Those need only cleaning by a cloth or cotton etc.
According to the seasonal availability of materials and according to the sasthra injunctions one can do my pooja on any of these .The pooja should not be artificial.If no such material is available ,just do archana by sankalpa in mind only and I am satisfied by that if done with dedication.
In idol one has to do decoration.In Sthandila only Thathwasthapana is needed.In fire one can give ghee and havis.In Sun,one can give water as arghya .In water ,by water and flowers one can do pooja.Even if it is a drop of water I am satisfied if given with pure heart and dedication.So what is to be said about the other paraphernalia like chandana,dhoopa,deepa,pushpa and naivedya etc?But ,understand,if all these are given withoutdedication I am not pleased .
Hence first attain purity and dedication and then collect your poojadravya .
Sit on darba grass ,facing the idol ,or to the east,or to the north,and sitting straight do pooja.Do anganyasa and then wash the idol first with your hand and clean the waterpot for abhisheka ,poornakalasa etc.With that collected water in the kalasa sprinkle and clean the spot of pooja,own body and the idol and the other poojadravya collected.In three pots water for padya,arghya and achamaneeya vidhi is collected.That pot is then purified with doorva grass,chandan,vishnukranthi,lavangha,jaathi,pushpa and rice .And purify them with hridayamanthra,siromanthra,sikhamanthra and Gayathri .Then do dhyana of my jeevakala which is subtle and resides in the purified body with winds and fire ,and water,within the lotus of the chitha ,and meditated by sidha in the end of Naadaantha(end of Naada or silence).That jeevakala becoming Athmna ,do meditation and pooja on it daily with dedication.Then becoming one with it,you have to do avahana of it to the idol and then fix it there and do archana with manthra.Do samkalpa of a seat for me with the nine sakthy like dharma etc ,and in it a eight-pointed padma .Then with veda and thanthra do padya,arghya and achamana for me.All these actions are dedicated for me only .In the eight directions in order imagining sudarsana wheel,panchajanya conch,koumodaki mace,nandakam sword,sarngha bow ,arrows,hala or plough,and musala or axe ,do archana to 8 dik or diretions.The archana starts from east onwards in order.Similarly do archana of the 8 parshada –Nanda,sunanda,Prachanda,chanda,Mahabala,Bala,Kumuda,Kumudekshana in the 8 directions and do archana for them.Then do samkalpa of Garuda in front, Durga,Vinayaka,Vyasa,and Vishwaksena on four sides and Guru on left side,and dikpaala in their respected places .In this way consider ones Athman as Vishnu and do archana .Do prokshana etc in each place denoted for each of these.And thus make every direction facing Vishnu with dedication.
For abhisheka chandana,agaru,ramacha,karpoora ,and fragrant waters are used.And do abhisheka with manthra and with bliss and satisfaction . One who is rich can give gold and other precious articles too.Anuvakamanthra,thrayeevidya ,mahapurushamanthra ,Purushasooktha and Raajanasaama and other auspicious saamamanthra are loved by me.With love my devotee decorates my idol with dress,upaveetha,jewels,thulasi garlands ,chandana and fragrant flowers daily.They give me with sradha ,padya,achamaneeya,chandanam,flowers,akshatha,nivedya,dhoopa and deepa .Rich people gives me payasa with sugar,ghee and milk and sweet modaka ,boiled rice in curds etc.The rites of oilbath,washing with powdered vaaka bark,showing a mirror,purifying face,abhisheka with panchamritha,do bhajana,and give different good foods and wealth etc ,please me with dance and music either daily or on special occasions depending upon ones stature and ability etc are done by my bhaktha and I rejoice in all these.
If not daily at least on days of new moon and full moon,making mekhala,gartha and vedi make a homakunda and kindle fire in it .With spread darbha grass ,sprinkling water ,and dedicating homadravya in the middle of that fire ,they do meditation on me in that fire .They do meditation on me as chathurbhuja wearing chakra,conch,padma and mace and having the splendour of melted gold ,wearing golden yellow silk garments resembling the kesara of a lotus flower,with santha countenance and smiling face ,with crown,decorations with jewels in neck,arms,waist,hands,ankles,wearing kousthubha and sreevalsa and a flower garland.With that meditation they do homa in fire and pour ghee in it ,offer Ajya and havis to me .They praise me with Purushasooktha having 16 Rks and with the other moolamanthra ,for the sake of dharma and justice .Then prostrating before the agni ,offering Bali to all parshada ,meditating on the Swaroopa of Narayana as Brahman ,do japa on moolamanthra several times.Then give achamaneeya and give its remaining(Uchishta)to Vishwaksena.Then offer gandha and thamboola etc.Sitting near by do keerthana singing and praise and in delight do dancing and enact my stories .Hear my stories with pleasure .One can sing the regional desi songs as well as the traditional ones in Sanskrit manthra.I do love such dedicated keerthana singing.The devotees singing and asking for my prasaada(blessing)dedicating themselves at my feet are protected from all sorrows and from the ocean of samsara .
Like fire in fire they do udhwasana of the Iswarajyothi in their own Hridjyothi .Whichever idol is being used for this process is immaterial to me .The purity,dedication and nishta and sradha are important and I do give my prasada (blessing )to all such bhaktha.I am sarvathman,and reside in all elements in all times and in all beings and therefore in whichever form the devotee meditate me ,he is meditating the Athman only ,me only.By veda ,thanthra or a mixture of both of these do kriyayoga as said here .Such a person has no sorrows in this world or in the next world.He gets all sidhi even without asking for it.
Those with wealth construct temples and place my idol there so that all can get the benefit of pooja of me .They make beautiful gardens around for daily collection of all materials needed for the temple’s maintainance daily .For pooja,for journeys and for festivals etc they appoint the rightful persons after determining the qualification of each for the said functions.The daily pooja and maintainance of such temples need many articles including grains and fruits and vegetables and other articles.For this purpose they dedicate fields,market places,trade centers ,villages and urban centers around temple for the temple use .By this they are feeding many people and giving ways of life (jobs)too to many and they help the country and the people to grow in all ways by dedicating themselves to me.By such daana one gets position equal to me as Isathwa and by construction of temple one gets thriloka and by idol prathishta one gets sarvabhoumathwa .By doing aradhana one gets the Brahmaloka .The person who does all these simultaneously (daana of fields etc for temple,and idol prathishta with temple construction) become equal to me and his fame is ensured till the existence of that temple .
By unconditional love or bhakthiyoga one merges with me only and therefore it is the best for all.
If one takes away the fields /bhoomi whether given by himselfor by someone else to another (whether to temple or not)and obstructs the ways of functions or jobs of another (who live on temple jobs etc) such a person is eating dirt and living in the worlds of the dead forever and never reaches me.My bhaktha never takes away the wealth of another or destroys the livelihood or dharma of others.Because they have no other.Only me exists.
Whoever does harm as described above,as well as the people who gets pleasure by seeing others difficulties ,the one who helps in such bad things and the one who causes such bad acts are all participants in the crime and each has its own shares in that sinful act .Either in this janma or in the next they have to suffer the reactions to their sinful actions.
Sreebhagavan said:- Do not criticize and insult and do not unduely praise the swabhava and deeds of others.Visualise this cosmos as an entire whole ,as Eka ,created by purusha and his prakrithi.Therefore the one who insults,criticizes and praises paradharma are deviating from the oneness of creation and is therefore called a Brashta from swadharma which is Ekathwa.During sleep the senses become weakened and and intellect sleeps so that either dreams or a deathlike dreamless state of sushupthi ensues.The state of one who see the manyness as truth is similar to that illusionary dreamstate.Dualities are nonexistent and to feel that it is truth is illusion.Whatever we meditate in thoughts,say in words and do in deeds with such a feeling of duality is illusory.The reflections,the echoed sounds,and the illusion of rajjusarpa are all illusions but feels as truth in Vyavahaara and by that feeling births and deaths happen forever.This prapancha is the same as the Athman who is the prabhu,the controller,the Lokathman and the creator .The created objects ,the protected objects ,the creator and protector ,the destroyed and the destructor are all Eka .There is nothing other than that ONE.The feeling of three seen in Athman as creation,protection and destruction is by avidya and is gunaroopa only.The one who experiences this gnana does not insult or criticize others views.He doesn’t praise them either.He see everything and everywhere as equal and do his lifes journey with perfect equanimity and equality like a sun on earth.The real Knower of truth does his life’s journey nonattached and knowing that all cosmos is endless and beginningless by the help of sruthi,prathyaksha,anumana ,sasthragnana etc.
Udhava said:- Iswara,The allwitnessing Athman should not have samsara in any way.This body which is dead matter also has no samsara.Then who is having samsara?The athman is like agni ,nirguna,unmanifested ,destructionless,and revealing the pure truth.The anathman or body is like wood ,without energy to move and thus both should have no samsara .
Krishna said:-Whenever there is samgha with body,indriya and praana ,till that date Athman feel that I have samsara.This is what happens for the ignorant people.That which is meaningless is felt as meaningful for them.And that is mediatted upon by the chitha and as if a person in swapna creates several things without any objects ,he goes on creating manyness of samsara.When he is awakened from the sleep he knows the truth.Similarly a Gnani who is awakened from state of ignorance ,understand samsara as Mithya or untruth.The sorrows,pleasures,greed ,fear,anger ,and desires are all dharma of Ahamkara and not of Athman.Athman being deathless and birthless do not have them.
The Athman within is called Jeeva,Mahan Athma,Soothrathman etc in different ways.It is the gunakarmamoorthy within mind,praana and sareera and having ahamkara in these existences.The tree of ahamkara makes us do karma of different types by mind,prana,words and body .To cut this rootless tree of Ahamkara ,one has to use the sharp swordof upaasana .Thus becoming desireless and egoless the great Rishi does his lifes journey.By gnana,wisdom,differentiation,nigama,swanubhoothy and advice as well as anumaana ,whatever is in the end and beginning alone can exist in the middle too.That is the first cause and kaalaswaroopa(form of time).How gold is only gold whether it is in molten state or in different ornaments state ,I have to be understood like that.That which exists with three states,with three guna,and as creator,cause and effect ,that vignana is seen with and without thureeya and revealed like that and that alone is real truth.Once that truth is known and fixed in mind the untruth will naturally wither away.That which is true in end and beginning being the real truth ,that which is manifested and seen as different also must be the same truth.The names and forms only are different and in essence they are the same.Thus Prapancha is also Brahman and there is nothing except Brahman is my opinion (Matha).When a scholar after getting all this knowledge still remains unhappy and has no swanubhoothy he has not known me or become one with me.The one who is happy and satisfied and lead a blissful state has attained me .All this is me but I am beyond all these and therefore I am not these. I am nirguna and all these are with guna.Thus the gnanai differentiates samsara from nirvana and remain nonattached to samsara ,to body and senses and sensory pleasures always satisfied in Athman and its enquiry and enjoyment .When due to the effect of poorvajanma’s vasana ,one become again interested in Yoga and gnana ,people turn from samsara and lead a transformed life and all these we see around.It is like a comatose man getting up again with Gods grace starts a new life all over again.The Athmasthitha does not think of body while he eats,drinks,lies down,walks or do other karma.He also see the sensory objects around but his mind or intellect never goes to them as that of ordinary people because he is not desirous of them and is nonattached to them.He finds the samsara as a dream only .By the dawn of gnana the night of agnana is removed.The Athman is avikari and has nothing to receive and nothing to discard either.The dawn of sun affects our eyesight and reveal our external objects to the eye .The direct perception of me like that destroys ignorance and reveals truth.I am swayamjyothi,aprameya ,Aja,and Iswara with great Aiswarya,Eka and Nirdwanda (without a second) and is the End of Vaak .The vaak and praana function due to my influence only.There is no vikalpa in absolute Athman.They are felt due to Manovibrama only.Without own Athman what is the dependence for vikalpa?The prapancha with nama,roopa and mixtures of panchabhootha is not untruth because it is my manifested form.To call prapancha as untrue and Me as true is dwaitha.Prapancha is part of me and is true and is not different from me.I am prapancha but am beyond prapancha too.Therefore I am prapancha and I am not prapancha alone.
The yogins who practice yoga but do not attain the maturity of yoga ,can get the diseases of body just like any other persons and the science of healing should be there for even such people since they carry a body .Some illnesses heal with yogadharana,others by certain Aasana or positions,and dharana,others with oushadha(medicine)manthra(sound as medicine)and thapas etc .Several disorders are healed by nityajapa of my manthra and dhyana and by practice of my yogakrama.All disorders of body ,mind and intellect are thus removed and balanced by several methods.But some people do yoga just for keeping the physical health and the strength for carrying out day to day life and sexlife .But just like the fruit of a tree ,the body is having only a limited timespan however much you try to keep it young by vaajeekarana.Therefore such efforts are meaningless .The most intelligent yogins do yoga not for that and not for any other sidhi but for getting liberation from samsara .But ,though nondesirous of physical health,such a persons body,mind and intellect become strong and healthy and he remains ever energetic and able to conduct life fruitfully by yoga practice.Therefore gnana and yoga (samkhyayoga)has to be done without desire in sidhi for the sake of Athmagnana and liberation.With that,depending entirely on me ,the yogin enjoys nonending bliss and cross ocean of samsara without any effort at all.
Udhava:-I think this yogakrama is difficult for the common man who cannot contrl the mind.Which is the easiest method to be adopted ?The yogins are unable to control the minds even if they try to do so and fall back into samsara .Therefore thw wise come to your feet as sole refuge.The Maaya of yours does not influence them.Those who have ego in their own efficiency of karma are actually ignorant and caught by your maaya.The oneness of all in you and the compassion you have in all has no place of ego for ones achievements .You are sarvathman,lover of all,and wealth of all,and who will evr sacrifice you for the temporary pleasures of the world?Some people meditate on you for wealth and after gaining it forget you.But how does that happen?For us after reaching your feet what else is to be gained?You are in and out of all beings as Anthraymin and Acahrya ,and remove all their dosha ,and reveal the own Athman .To pay back our debts to you,the scholars know ,is not possible with just one janma.
Seeing Udhava with this sacred love,Krishna playing with his toy cosmos ,in love told him:-If men do dharma of mine with sradha they can win even over mrityu.Listen to those dharma carefully.Dedicate all samkalpa and vikalpa in me.Without a doubt ,with desire in my dharma,constantly remembering me do all karma.Go to places where my bhaktha ,the good people live.Do karma of my servants in deva,daanava and maanavajaathi.Either alone or in groups,with music and dance which are royal vibhoothi,worship me and conduct processions ,utsava etc.I am in all bhootha in and out as their Athman.My sevaka See me like that with pure mind .By depending upon this Ekagnaana ,with bhaava of Aham in all bhootha,thinking of me always,with respect live a pure life.In forestdwellers,in the last-born(Anthyaja),in the sun,in theflames and sparks of fire,in cruel and in sufferer of that cruelty I live and the one with samdrishty in al lthese is great yogin.He see only me in all humans and beings.The envy,insults,quarrels,etc which are the dosha of mind with ahamkara or ego are destroyed by this .Avoid the relatives who insult you as well as the fear which is generated by thought of body.Then you can do namaskara of a Chandaala,dog,dog-eater,cow and ass even alike .Because you find me only in even those creatures and beings.So long as the knowledge I exist in all beings is awakened ,one has to do upasana with word,mind and body .For the one who does upasana in this way ,by Athmadhyana and pure wisdom,everything is visualized as Brahman only and all doubts are removed .He finds truth and achieves uparathi.By all the three karana,see my bhaava in all beings.This method is the best than any other method.For the nondesirous person,my sevadharma become fixed from the beginning itself.Since he is also nirguna he has no destruction.The useless karma even ,if done without desire for fruits of action by a person who dedicates all in me,become fruitful.Even the efforts from fear and sorrow are seen to become dharma in loukika sense.I am nirvikaara and the truth and amrithaswabhaava.To perceive me with hman organs which is mithya is the way of the intelligence and the wisdom of the wise.This vedasaara is difficult to be known even by devagana.But I have told you this in summary and in concised form.This is the philosophy with revealed and manifested intellect and logic.The people who cognize this clear all doubts and become liberated.Your question and its answer if studied properly will give attainment of Parabrahman.This is essence of veda.This if someone wants to advice to others ,I give that one the sakthy or power to see Athmaroopa with own mind and truly .This is greatest and sacred knowledge and the one who daily learns and analyse it and teach it to others, by this Athmadeepa itself reveals me to others through him.The one who is ready to listen to it carefully also gets bhakthi and mukthy .Udhava,With this have you got revelation of Athmaswaroopa?Did this remove The desires and sorrows of your chitha?Do not advice this secre thathwa to people who are dishonest,nonbelievers of God,and proud etc .For those without such dosha,and to people with bhakthi in me and in good people,to women and soodra,and to those with sradha give this great sacred story and thathwa of mine.The one who wants to know truth,have nothing else to be known after knowing this truth.After drinking amritha,do any one need to drink any other liquid?By attaining me ,you will get wisdom,karma,yoga,jobs like agriculture,sasthra which gives justice and the four purushartha which men and women seeks .When humans dedicate all karma and mind to me ,he/she has become dear to me and becoming muktha joins me forever.
Thus hearing the yogamarga from the best Guru and yogeeswara ,Udhava folding his hands and shedding tears of joy ,unable to speak further by love fell at his feet.After regaining his state of speech ,he asked Krishna after some time.Krishna,the darkness of delusion has been removed by your sannidhaana alone.One who sits near fire has no fear of cold.With compassion you have wisdom to your servant .The one who is satisfied with your feet alone ,will never search for any other refuge.You had for the sake of creation ,by your maaya created a love towards the Vrishni,Andhaka,Sathwatha,Daasarha races .Now you yourself has cut that bondage of love to them by the sword of gnaana and wisdom.Yogeendra,How one should live so that unending Rathi happens in your lotus feet.I am your dedicated lover .Give me that forever.
Sribhagavan said:-Udhava,You have got my advice now.Go to Badarika ashram now itself.Take bath in the theertha there which is flowing from my own feet.Seeing Alakananada and becoming pure,wear trees barks as dress.Without desire for pleasures eating fruits and leaves and nuts etc from forests live there.Free from dualities,winning over indriya,with all good qualities,and fixing intellect ,tranquil and quiet ,with gnana and vignana thinking of what I have just now told you,live in that pure ashram.meditate on my words as a whole and each one separately ,and fixing mind,word and deed in me with doing my dharma ,cross the three gathi and thus reach me .
Udhava lost his bhedabudhi .He circumambulated Hari .Thinking of the separation from Krishna ,tears rolled down his cheeks and heart melted inside.Keeping his head at Krishna’s feet he washed his feet with hot tears flowing from his eyes.By the extreme love which he cannot sacrifice,the sorrow of separation from Krishna made him miserable and wearing krishna’s paaduka on his head ,he prostrated again and again and obeyed Krishna’s words and went to the northern direction to badaryashrama.There ,doing sadhana and meditation he reached vishnuloka.He saw bhagavan alone in his heart’s lotus .He drank the words of Krishna again and again meditating upon them which were churned out of bliss of Brahman experience and the gnaanamritha was given to posterity through him.The gnana was created for the liberation of mankind from sorrows and from samsara .Krishna (The dark one),the first (Adya),Rishabha and with the name of Krishna known by the veda,and the one who churned this amritha from ocean of knowledge and bliss ,so that his sevakaas drink it forever ,is the puranapurusha and I meditate and worship that purusha only.
After Udhava left for Badarikashrama ,the yadavas quarreled each other at Prabhasatheertha and destroyed the entire race by themselves as a fire in a bamboo forest destroy all bamboos.Balarama left his body in meditation and Krishna sitting under a banyan tree in meditation was seen by a veda called Jara.He saw only the blue feet of the Lord from a distance among the foliage and thought that it is a animal and sent an arrow .Seeing what he had done ,he was full of grief and remorse and guilty feeling.But Krishna in his compassion asked him not to grieve and since he fulfilled what Krishna wished ,he was given jeevanmukthy then and there .And Krishna in yogic Samadhi leftthe earth in deep Samadhi and everyone saw him leaving like a lightening leaving a field of clouds.But no one see where it went .The gathy and dhaama of Paramapurusha is known only to him and to his ekanthikabhaktha.
When Krishna left,Kaliyuga descended on earth.
By power of kali,qualities like dharma,dhrithy,balam,ayus,soucha etc decrease day by day.The people will that money and power alone are what is needed for human beings .For marital relationship only attraction between the two based on body and its beauty will be considered by people.For trade and commerse exploitation and dishonesty alone will be basics.Both for man and woman expertise in weapons of sexology (panchayudha expertise)will be equal.People will that Brahmanya means wearing a sacred thread.For determining sanyasa ashrama ,they will think that a treebark and a thridanda (external signs)is enough.For rulership,only costly dress and decorations,jewels etc.Weakness of logic result in lack of giving it away (lack of teaching logic due to lack of logic among people).And scholarship will be misunderstood as talking too much and confusing others.Luxury will be thought of as sign of greatness.If one lacks aristocratic birth,his/her words will be considered as asaadhu in kaliyuga.For marriage the receptions and luxury alone will be there.For purity ,external bath alone will be the basis.They will think that all distant rivers are theertha and near ones are not.They will misunderstand the fashionable hair dressing etc as beauty. The greatest Purushartha will be filling ones stomach with food.All the dishonest acts of exploitations will be considered as truth.The efficiency of human beings will be reduced to just ruling ones own family .Doing dharma will be only to get fame.Thus all people become deteriorated in qualities and entire world become a chaos of such people.
Among the four varna the rulers with power become highest and they become mere thieves and fearless to exploit the citizens.They will exploit wealth and even the women of the citizens and the people will have to go to forests and mountains for fear of such rulers.
Because of such adharmic rulers,rains will fail to come in time and famines happen .People suffer by hunger and thirst .Agriculture suffers.Men start eating roots,leaves,fruits,nuts honey,and even meat of whatever they see to quench hunger.These hungry people are forced to pay taxes by the rulers and they suffer miserably.Thinking of what to do next to get a morsel of food,and weak with hunger and thirst ,and diseases of various kinds ,sorrows of man increase during Kaliyuga.The lifespan reduce to 20-30 years .The body become thin and short .All the vedic dharma are lost .People will do Paakhandadharma.Rulers become mere servants .Untruth,dishonesty,violence and murders ,etc increase day by day.Thus all people become soodra and cows become equal to goats.Ashrama become equal to ahouse,marriage become just Yonisambandham (association of sense organs).The Oushadajaala(medicines) will become atoms (anupraaya),and all the mahaavriksha (great trees)become shrublike.Lightening in clouds increases and destroys them and forests become deserts and empty.
When Kaliyuga proceed all people become intellectless like donkeys ,quarrelling each other for no reason and no logic and then for protectionof Dharma,at the end of Kaliyugasandhi God will again incarnate.In Sambhalagrama,as son of Vishnuyasas ,Hari will be born.He will be having eight aiswaryas and will travel on the great horse called Devadatha and encircle entire globe and destroy all thiefs who pretend that they are kings and rulers.When he travels ,the fragrance of his body will purify all villages and cities and the dwellers of them.They will worship Bhagavan in their hearts and by that nityasmarana they get all prosperities .Their children and grandchildren will prosper.The moment Hari takes avathar of Kalki,the new Krithayuga starts .Then all citizens will have increase in sathwaguna .The beginning of Krithayuga happens when sun,moon,Jupiter and Pushya star are together in one Rasi of the zodiac.(That Rasi has to be Karkitaka since star Pushya is there and it is the ucharasi of Jupiter and swakshethra of moon with Gajakesari yoga).
There are some prakshiptha parts in the 12th skanda of Bhagavatha and they were added after several centuries after the original creation of Vyasa.This include the chronology of solar and lunar dynasty.
From birth of Pareekshith to the crowning of Nanda was 1115 years.
One century :-when in saptharshi ,between pulaha and krathu,in exactly the middle of a straight line drawn between them a star remains for one century(of humans).In Pareekshith time it was Magha nakshathra .(which is in Simharasi).That is saptharshichaara was in simharasi when Pareekshith ruled.
Kalipeeda (hurts with kali) started 1200 years after,when the saptharshi with star Magha left Magha and traveled in Pooraada (Poorvashada in dhanu rasi).
From then onwards kali will be strong and entire nations will be submerged in adharma.When Krithayuga come again ,Santhanu,Devapi,Maru who live still with yogabala in Kalapagraama will come again as avathara and recreate dharma as before.
People who think that this earth is their private individual property and should go to my sons,grandsons and my people alone and making dirty plans for such goals and exploiting others arethe cause of adharma .Unless man understands that this body and whatever we see around is only transient transformation of fire,water and food (annam) and Athman alone is eternal ,dharma will not be saved.The desire in body and external things and luxuries make adharma and kali and the opposite make dharma and krithayuga.Kalki will take avathar for creation of a new Krithayuga and end of Kaliyuga .
Krithayuga has four limbs for dharma .They are satyam,karuna,thapas,daanam.(truth,compassion,austerity,giving alms).With these people become happy,contended,friendly to all,peaceful,and Athmaaraama.They become samadrik(perceive all as equal) and become sramana(who has conquered indriya).
In Threthayuga ther are only 3 limbs for dharma.Then,untruth,dissatisfaction,idol worship,and violence will be there.People will be doing thapas and kriya ,and will not commit great violences .People will be efficient in Thrayividya and have thrivargika.They are not womanizers.Majority have qualities of Brahmana and are predominantly Sathwika.
In Dwapara only two limbs of dharma remain.Majority will be householders and they will have aristocratic tendencies,and will learn veda,and will be happy and will be having both sathwik and rajasic qualities.
In Kali only one limb of dharma is there so that balancing is difficult.Even that will be lost in due course of time.People become miserly,fearless to do sins,unethical,greedy,exploiting each other,hating and disbelieving each other,they aquire qualities of soodra.Majority become fishermen /seafarers and amass money from that method.
It is sathwa ,Rajas and Thamas as thriguna which revolve in wheel of time giving this change in yugadharma.
When in sathwaguna,budhi and indriya chitha etc become selfluminous ,and vaasana for gnana and thapas appear,then Krithayuga starts.
When vaasana in dharma,artha and kaama increase ,Thretha with Rajoguna ensues.
When there is a mixture of rajas and thamas and sathwa,with ego,dissatisfaction,greed,pride,concentration only in functions which bring immeadiate and selfish results increase Dwaparayuga comes.Kali is predominantly thamasic and sorrows,laziness,dishonesty,sleep,delusions,violence,fear,depression ,poverty etc increase .People in Kalikala will notice only the transient and silly things and fail to perceive great deeds and thoughts and hear great words of wisdom.they become poor in wisdom,as well as in wealth,and desirous of so many luxuries which are uncountable become unlucky ,and mere enjoyers of pleasures of temporary nature,and woman searching for illicit relationships.Thiefs will become chiefs of nations,and all veda will be infiltrated by sayings from Paashandasasthras.The devas of earth(who were wise )will become desirous of sisna,udara and praja ( vitheshana and puthreshana )and search for food,wife and children and wealth only.The race of sanyasins will become dirty,with lack of soucha,and vratha(austerities).Householders will become mere beggers and wander about without doing any job.The Thapaswins will become householders and dwellers of villages.Sanyasins will be counting their gains and material wealth.Women become shorter in stature,eats a lot,and without shyness, and they speak harsh words without love,and do theft,dishonest acts ,and adventurous and with sons from different men.
Trades and commerce people and business men do exploitation and dishonesty and become low creatures by lack of dharma to get gains.These exploitations will be considered as the law by people of Kali due to ignorance (due to thamas predominance).
Even if the master is sarvothama and wise,if he has no money ,servants and relatives will discard and neglect.Similarly even if the srvants and relatives are honest and good ,masters will not consider their advice or help in important matters ,if they say truth (which is against their interests)and thus quality will be ignored and the opposite will be accepted.The cow ,if it does not give milk ,will be neglected by the master .Father,mother,brother,sister ,friends ,relatives etc will be neglected when they really need help .People being interested in pleasure of eros will unite with sisters of wife and get into great troubles.Soodra will wear the guise of a sanyasin and get material wealth from householder devotees who are cheated and exploited.the people who know no dharma,will climb on a stage and do a speech on dharma.Earth will fail to give food.Afraid of failure of rains ,famines and tax of the Governemnt/king people become thoughtful,weak,hungry and rebellious .Without anything to eat,without a proper place to sleep,without a dress to ward of from cold ,without any pleasure or even a bath,people will wander on earth in kalikaala.Kings and rulers desiring the temporary wealth ,discard honest friendships,quarrel each other,kill own people and destroy wealth of nation.
Men become lowminded ,thinking food and sex as most important pleasures of life does not even protect their old parents and grandparents and even the children and their eductionand future eis neglected by such people.(Both past and future of mankind neglected by desire of pleasures of the present).
Because of the dwaitha or differences created by Paakhanda theories ,people do not meditate on the advaitha state of Bhagavan Hari,who is achyutha and amritha .
Only those who near the death,and the patients with terminal illness will call out his names .
By sravanam,keerthanam,smaranm,poojanam,namaskaram etc Hari takes away all sorrows of kaliyuga.The impurities of the gold is taken of by fire and makes it purified .Like that Hari purify all those who remember him.Hari,residing in ones Athman,makes one pure and equal to Hari in all respects.Therefore ,knowing that death is truth,and life should be fruitful and blissful and useful to the society,and world ,think of Hari within all and within you,and attain the state of Paramapada while you are living and by this make your life remembered by posterity .One has to be unselfish and not desirous of selfish fruits of action ,to become a wellwisher of entire humanity and all beings on earth and that is possible only when we do Nishkamakarma and the wisdom of Advaitha makes understand the need for love and compassion.Thus with a integrated approach of bhakthy,karma and gnana do whatever good is possible for all beings at all time in all places and make this life a beautiful experience .This is what we can do for all the generations who have come before us,for all people who live with us,and for all generations to come after us.And this is the teaching of Bhagavatha for welfare of entire cosmos,for thrikaala .
It is a teaching which is practical for all and hence even the common man can resort to it.Krishna does not discriminate between rich and poor ,scholar and ignorant,man and woman and it is the equality of all creation that is proclaimed in his Ekanthikasampradaaya and it is the same as Advaitha.It is for all of us .For the welfare of entire world.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
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