Avathaara of Kapila:
Devahuthy ,the daughter of Manu was wedded to Rishi Kardhama.After having nine daughters she was blessed by the rishi to have a son ,who is the avathaara of Hari himself and she was asked to perform thapasya to bear that great son.And when she became pregnant Brahma himself visited her to pay respects to the baby Hari,within her womb.Brahma being the grandfather of Kapila,was pleased to have such an offspring in his race.He told Devahuthy that the baby in her womb will be born with beautiful hairs,and golden colour ,with lotus eyes and lotus sign on his feet and will be highly compassionate and is the avathaara of Narayana to destroy the karmavaasana of people through samkhya and yoga .And he will the the Lord of all the sidha after him.
According to the instruction of the Brahma,Rishi Kardhama gave his nine daughters in marriage to the great rishis of the time.Athri wedded Anasooya,Angiras wedded Sradha,Mareechi wedded Kala,Pulasthya wedded Havirbhu,Pulaha wedded Dhanyagathy,Krathu wedded Kriya,and Brighu wedded Khyaathi.Vasishta wedded Arundhathy and Atharvan wedded Saanthi.
When Kapila was born Kardhama worshipping him as Narayana asked permission to take to sanyasa and leave home forever.Kapila said”I am born as your son to keep my word to you that I will be your son.My birth is to spread gnaana of Samkhya and yoga for those who are desirous of experiencing Nirvaana and sacrificing worldly life.This way of gnaana is very ancient but due to its antiquity it disappeared from earth and my mission is to reawaken that method.Father,if you so desire,you can take up sanyasa and attain amrithathwa.Visualise me as residing in the heart cave of every being and enlightened intelligence within yourself and reach the ultimate foal of nirvana without fear or sorrow”.Hearing this,Kardama circumambulated his son,and taking the vow of silence went to forest .He fixed chitha in Athman and with peaceful chitha as a ocean without waves and attained the greatest state of yoga equivalent to Narayana himself ,seeing Narayana in himself.
Kapila ,with compassionate heart,lived in the banks of Bindusaras,near the Saraswathy river with his mother .One day ,Devahuthy approached him and asked mokshamarga.He was happy to advice it to his mother .He said:The bondage and liberation of jeeva is due to the mind only.If chitha is attracted to sense objects,bondage happens.If chitha is attracted to God,liberation happens.When mind is free from emotions like mine,me etc and the desires ,envy,fear,greed etc which follow the selfish thoughts,it becomes very pure.And then it becomes devoid of pleasure or pain,sorrow or happiness and without dualities it become equalized and well balanced.When mind is pure,in it awaken devotion,wisdom,and vairagya and it becomes enlightened.It can then visualize as paramathma itself and see the distinction as Maaya.For this attainment of Brahma,several methods are said in the aagama.The most great and the best is the fixed devotion in the sarvaathmaa.Scholars know that sangham with worldly objects leads to bondage.But if sangham is with sajjana ,that will open up the way to loberation.Do not do anything in return even if someone hurts you .Do everything for others without any selfish motives.The sorrows of others should end,and everyone should bet bliss and happiness .With that desire alone,live as friend of every creation and without the feeling of enmity to anyone.That will make us peaceful and tranquil.Such characteristics are seen in sajjana/good people.Those people are the devotees who has fixed their heart in me,without any selfish motives,and who has sacrificed all worldly ties and objects for me,and who is interested only in hearing and saying my stories and singing my glories.The sangha with such sajjana will lead to liberation.By sangha with them,the attachment to worldly objects will be reduced and then with my compassion one gets liberation from worldly sorrows.The people who are interested in my stories gradually become interested in the origin of this creation which is my karma and knowledge of eternal time and cyclical repetition of births and deaths and this naturally reduce love for selfish and temporary things.Thus Bhakthiyoga leads to gnaana and wisdom .Gnaana and Bhakthy are as a result of ashtanghayoga.One who follows the method of ashtangayoga merges with me ultimately .
Devahuthy said.What is the nature of bhakthy which is in the form of mukthy?Especially for a woman like me which type is suitable?And how can I reach your state most easily?Explain the method you just said about attaining both bhakthy and mukthy.Though I am a woman and of lesser intelligence ,I would love to understand and enjoy this samkhyayoga which is difficult for cognition for even the great intellectuals.
Kapilan said:-Bhakthy is more great than sidhi.Therefore the most accomplished yogins do not desire any intellect or sidhi and they just want to merge with me in devotion and to serve me and praise me with beautiful songs and stories.They have love for different moorthy(idols/forms)of mine and worship them happily and live.Mother,they see my smiling face,my lotus eyes,and compassionate behaviour and talk to me always with love and devotion in poetic language.My beautiful organs from head to foot,my smile,my playful leela,my looks,and my speech makes them my lovers forever and that devotion and love itself gives them liberation.They do not desire my Lakshmy,my vibhoothy or my ashtangasidhi ,yet they reach my vaikuntaloka and enjoy eternal bliss of liberation.They reach my saantha(tranquil peaceful)loka and live there forever.i am their most desired lover,friend,son,Guru,Athman and everything.I am their God and mother.My wheel of time does not touch such devotees.They do not have the feeling of “mine”in anything that is worldly ,both gross and subtle and they consider only me as “Mine”.this type of Ekaanthikabhakthy gives them enlightenment and I liberate them from the sorrowful samsaara by my love for them.those who love me as everything lose fear of samsaara.It is by fear of me the sun shines,Indra rains,agni burns and vaayu moves .The people who are fixed in me by eternal love of devotion are not afraid of me and they live in me eternally.
I will now tell you the lakshana (sign)of Thathwa .By that differentiate prakrithy from purusha.And also by which the bondage of heart is cut and Athman is directly perceived.That is called the gnaanayoga.
In the beginning there was only the purusha which is unmanifested and without the three guna of sathwa,rajas and thamas.He in a playful mood by own will assumed the form of the prakrithy with the three guna .Prakrithy by her thriguna and its different combinations creates the praja .The jeeva seeing this wonderful prakrithy with its creative powers become attracted to her.Jeeva by projection thinks that the karma done by the thriguna are done by him and thus becomes sorrowful ,proud or happy due to the projected doership .Thus forgets his own natural state of akarthaa,free liberated ,blissful eka existence as witness of everything .For such a jeeva samsaara as bondage happen again and again.Purusha is the ultimate cause of everything .Jeeva forgets that swaroopa and projects the qualities of prakrithy on oneself and falls into bondage of maaya.
Devahoothy asked:- Hey ,Purushotham,tell me the lakshana of purusha and prakrithy with gross and subtle form and the cause of the entire universe and the parents of all living and nonliving.
Sreebhagavaan said:- Prakrithy is eternal and has thriguna form and without any form,and has subtle and gross form,and sometimes depend upon special(visesha)and is the cause of everything .5,5 4 and 10 making 24 are the important thathwa according to scholars.the first five are the five elements akaasa,vaayu,agni,jhala and earth/prithwi.
The second five are the thanmaathra of gandha(smell)rasa(taste),roopa(form)sparsa(touch)and sabda(sound).The 10 are the five sense organs and the five motor organs comprising ear,skin,eyes,nose,toungue and word,hands,legs,generative organs and the perineum .the four are the mind,intellect,ahamkaara,and chitha as internal organs.the function of the antha:karana(internal organs)are samkalpa(imagination)nischaya(decision)athmaabhimaana(pride of self)and chintha(thoughts).This anthakarana with four functions is one(eka)and it is divided as four due to its functional difference only .The 25th thathwa is kaala or time.Time or kaala is the manifestation of purusha and not prakrithy.Only the mad person who is afraid of maaya is afraid of kaala or time.The name of that Bhagavaan ,who makes the prakrithy function is kaala or time.Inside beings purusha functions as purusha and outside as kaala or time.It is by maaya these two are felt as two.Both are same.Once we know this we are not afraid of it,because it is purusha,our own self.Purusha himself is the lord of all loka.he himself made the prakrithi’s yoni fruitful and lead to creation.From the prakrithy by the nion of purusha was born the Mahath which is endless and the sprout of the universe.It destroys the darkness which covers its light .Thus it revealed itself by its own light.Mahathathwa is that saantha,nirmala and the to be known sathwaguna chitha which is called by the name of Vaasudeva .The lakshana of the chitha which is pure,movementless, and prasaantha with the early state of the first waters without any waves is explained by all scholars.From mahathathwa was born Ahankaaara with kriyaabala and having the three divisions of vikaara as raajasa and thaamasa.Sathwapradhaana is called vaikaarika,rajas is called thaijasa,and thamas is called thaamasa or sleep/darkness.From these were born mind,the sense organs,and the five mahaabhootha or elements.that with elements,mind and indriya is called sankarshana and it is always enlightened and eternal with 1000 heads .It is indivisible eka .Ahankaaralakshana is said as doership,karana(organs of doership)and karya(effect)and as santha,ghora and mooda as mental states.When sathwik ahamkara become vikritha mind is born .The sankalpa and vikalpa of mind produce kaama or desires.Kaama is worshipped as the beautiful and shyamala form and the Lord of all senses and call him Anirudha.He is internal to every being .From the vikrithy of thaijasa ahamkara was born the budhi or intellect and only with its blessings beings and their sense organs get knowledge of objects .The functions of intellect are decision,doubts,opposite intellect ,memory ,and confidence with faith .The gnanendriya and karmendriya are from raajasa ahamkaara itself.the power for karma resides in jeeva and that is cognized only by budhi.From the thaamasa ahankara was formed sound and from it aakaasa and sound is cognized with ears.the sound gives the consciousness of objects .For example if someone says Here goes an elephant ,even withoutseeing the elephant the hearer cognizes the presence of the object elephant.the subtle form of aakaasa is sabda.The sign of aakaasa is responsible for giving inside and outside,and giving holes to everything,and gives space for praana,indriya and mind .It gives right of space for everything and hence is called akaasa .By the movement of time,the nabhas(akaasa)with vikaara ,created touch.From touch arose the winds.The touch is known by skin.The subtle form of vaayu is softness,hardness,cold,and heat .The functions of movement,synthesise and union,going near and leading and giving strength to senses are that of vaayu.From wind having the thanmathra of sparsa due to will of God originated form.From roopa was born thejas and it is cognized by eyes.Giving form to an object,have it qualities by which it can be cognized,and taking form according to the individual dravya and having energy are the functions of roopa.Revealing,drinking,cooking and digestion,swallowing ,ending sense of coldness,making thin,hunger etc are the signs of thejas or agni.From thejas which is joined with vikaara by divine will originate rasa and from it water and taste is cognized by toungue.Sweet,hot,acidic,sour and mixed are the tastes.The rasa by combinations make endless tastes .Eka is rasa and by union of objects it is made manifold.Making liquid,thin and solidification ,making life possible,making soft and reducing temperature and heat ,increase in lowlying areas etc are the signs of water.From water having vikara by the passage of time is formed the smell and nose cognizes the smell .Gandha is eka and it is made manifold by union of different objects.Good and bad smells soft and very strong smells etc are the lakshana of gandha .Their functions are helping the different moorthy for worship of Brahma,and help in creation of those idols,and exist without dependence on other elements,and become base for water etc,and be helpful as divisor for separating and defining the limit of the other elements etc. and transform in the bhootha as male and female ,etc are functions of earth with smell as primary quality.All these are due to earth.the quality of aakaasa is sound and the receiver is ears.The receiver of vaayu is skin and receiver of thejas or light is eyes,receiver of rasa is toungue and that of gandha is nose.thus in each element as the qualities increase one by one ,earth ahs 5 ,water has 4,fire has 3,vaayu has 2,and akaasa has only one quality.when the mahaththwa ,ahamkara and earth were not moving and changing position,the Iswara who is with the karma of time sleeping in the milky ocean entered them and by the entry of divine power they united and lost their separateness .From the seven objects an egg was derived and that anda which was achethana is the viratpurusha and this brahmanda which conceives the Brahman within as the seed of entire prapancha was engulfed by ten times its quantity of flood waters .It was of golden colour and holes were formed in it as organs of viratpurusha.First the hole at fore end was formed and it became the face or mouth and from it agni as vaak was generated.Then was formed the nose and and from it praana,from eyes was generated the sun .from ears was generated the directions.from skin was formed the numerous hairs and from them the oushadhi and vanspathi and the generative organ.From generative organ was formed the semen and from it water .From the opening at the hind end was generated the apaana and from it was formed death .From the arms was generated strength and from it Indra ,the king of devas.Then the legs were formed and from them gathy(movement )was created. From the feet was born the Vishnu.then the naadi were formed for the viratpurusha.From it was formed blood and from it rivers.Stomach was formed and from it hunger and thirst and from them the oceans.then heart was formed and from it mind and from it the moon and then intellect and from it aja(the Brahmaa)..From heart was generated ahmkaara and from it rudra.from chitha was born jeeva .For these sons there was no power to awaken the virat.therefore they did tapas in their own places.Only when jeeva entered the heart ,the viratpurusha awakened as if from the milky ocean with full strength .All other organs are having no strength or power to awaken and to know without jeeva .With bhakthy,virakthy,yoga practice and intellect ,wisdom one has to try to understand the Iswara who resides in this body as the Pratyagaathman .
Mokshaniroopana:-When jeeva becomes attached to prakrithy he becomes proud of doership and bondage happens.Then sorrows and happiness and dualities happen.Such a person become bounded to samsaara and liberation does not occur to him.But if one observes ashtangayoga and concentrates mind and love all elements and living things as One ,and equal and Doinf swadharma lives peacefully and blissfully alone without hurting anything ,and totally unselfish,meditating on Athman as Brahman ,then liberation happens.
Devahuthy asked:Jeeva and prakrithy are always together and the five elements are common to both.then how can one get kaivalya?May be someone may get reduction of fear but the cause of samsara being eternal how can one get total liberation?
Kapila said:The concentrated meditation for long periods,purity of chitha ,swadharma without desires,and hearing of my stories and my keerthana for prolonged periods generating devotion which is pure and one-pointed gives viveka,vairagya and theevrayoga and then Samadhi and all attachments are burned as if wood by fire.All avidya is thus lost.For such a person there is no rebirth.For all others recycling in the great wheel of samsara happens.when the yogin is not concerned even for sidhi,he gets liberation by my love and compassion.
Vaishnavayoganiroopan:- there are two types of yoga order.According to ones own strength,ashrama dharma and varnadharma , each one should do yoga .Doing ones duties without selfish desires,one should practice simple living and serve great people and sajjana.Aiming only moksha,without interest in the other three purushartha,keeping body and mind pure ,observing silence sit in a place where no one disturbs .Yama,niyama,asana,praanaayaama etc should be done according to yoga instructions.In iswarapranidhaana ,meditate my form as the most beautiful .the face as a lotus flower beautiful and smiling,eyes as red lotus petals,body as blue lotus,four hands with conch,wheel,lotus and mace,yellow silk dress,and sreevalsa in chest,with kousthubha,and garland of flowers on which bees sing ,different types of jewels ,and crown ,peaceful and happy countenance and feet which are worshipped by even the devaas,and always youthful state,is meditated .All my activities are meditated upon with their meanings analysed for getting fixity in me.Love and devotion make one concentrated in Bhagawan.When love is perfect ,one gets certain signs like tears of joy,etc and all ego is lost and see Athman in all and all in Athman just as me and that Thanmayeebhaava makes haribhaktha liberated without effort.
Devahuthy asked:When does a person become free from all attachments ?For that what one should know?I have heard that if one cognizes your Kaalaswaroopa one can achieve that state.Tell me about it.
Kaalaswaroopaniroopanam:- Kapila said:The different types of Bhakthy happen due to different types of guna like sathwa,rajas,thamas and their combinations in human beings.
The one with predominance of thamoguna has himsa,ego,competitions and anger,and he has feeling of separatism from me.He meditates on me for getting wealth,women,fame and other worldly things .the one with rajoguna predominance also has separate feelings and he worships me for removal of his sins.Sathwa predominat man meditate me to dedicate all his karma to me ,or for the desire to act according to the veda injunctions which he had heard .even he can have the feeling of dwitha or separateness.By just hearing my stories and my keerthana,mind like pure ganga flows into the ocean of me naturally and merge in me.I will tell you the lakshana of nirgunabhakthiyoga. The bhakthy which has no duality between Bhaktha and Bhagwan ,and which is causeless(Ahaithuki) and does not desire anything except me,is the same as Nirvaana.My devotees does not even desire the liberation.they want me alone .that type of causeless and desireless love is nirvana .
Without selfishness do swadharma.Practice perfect ahimsa of mind,word and deeds.See me in all elements and all elements in me.Respect elders and great people.Have friendship in all.Have compassion to all.Practice yama niyama always.Hear adhyathmasasthra and my keerthana.have sajjanasamgha.Speak satya and do only dharma.Do not have the misunderstanding that this physical body is the Athman.without knowing me there is no point in doing mechanical rituals.The idol worship is inferior to this.But ,it is necessary since majority of people are unable to do the concentration on absolute truth which is approachable only to the sarvagna .Among the Brahmana ,the knower of veda is great.the knower of veda with its meaning is greater than him.The man who can remove doubts is greater than who knows meaning.And among such teachers the one who does swadharma is greater.Among the doers of swadharma the one without attachment is greater.And among such people nishkaamakarmi is more great.He has equal vision in everything and respects all elements alike and loves all alike.For those who have dualities and separateness the form of Bhagavaan as Kaala is fearful.Because they see it as death.For those with samadrishti,it is most beautiful vision and not fearful.Kaala or time is cause of everything and everything merges in it.It is that Vishnu which is even the creator of creator.sun arises wind moves and agni burns for fear of him only.All elements are doing swadharma according to his law.the seasonal changes in plants and in living and nonliving things is due to that kaalaswaroopa.The rain and fertility of earth,the food,the persistence of races and the sustenance of earth for all to share its wealth,and the entire functioning of the universe is by that kaalaswaroopa.The kalpa,yuga,manuanthara,samvatsara,months and paksha ,and weeks and days and nights the stars and everything follow the laws of time and cyclically repeat as that sudarsana wheel. It is the dharmachakra of me.It is the cause of birth and death of everything and also the cause for eternity.It is cause for bondage as well as liberation.
Just like the clouds moving due to powerful winds does not know the power of wind,the people who come and go does not realize the power of kaala or time.The worldly wealth accrued with effort goes and comes with time.And generates sorrow and ego and pride .With family and wealth which is not eternal,and thinking that they are eternal,and thinking that I am this body,people cry over the loss of such things.And become proud when they acquire them.They remain attached to family and wealth and other worldly things and never understand the real truth .Even a worm rejoice in the environment it is born and its food,associations,sexual life and new generations.So what is there in all these things for a human being who considers above worms,animals and birds?Nothing at all.They do sins and gets into sorrows again and again because of attachment to this samsaara .Living in a house,enjoying the temporary relations and temporary wealth and attached to them ,and thinking that I am this body,and hurting all others except own family/community/friends/etc and creating more and more selfishness in this world people fall into hell of existence again and again.The greed for wealth makes him sinner.When old age comes and efficiency decrease man becomes aware of the fact that none of his/her family really wanted him/her as a person but as a means of pleasure and acquisition of pleasure.Even then man does not leave samsaara and stick on to attachments suffering all insults and sorrows and illnourished and illcared for ,and afraid of diseases and death .With aamadosha and indigestion and a host of other diseases ,and phlegm blocking naadi and flow of vaayu obstructed ,and with difficulty in breathing ,even in deathbed human beings are attached to samsara life.At the time of death,by two or three muhoortha ,the soul travels 9009 yojana and at that time only the human soul remembers all the folleys he /she had done .And how she/he did forget own swaroopa and forgot to recite and think that swaroopa which alone is eternal.But there is no more time left.Already the cycle of rebirth is at work.And with that ,the wisdom during the bardo state of death is also forgotten.And the cycle repeats without any control.This type of Gathi is called Thaamasagathy andis characteristic of people having Thamasic predominance.
For the rajasa predominant the gathi is different.Ego and ignorance are there in raajasic people .Desires to get what they wanted increase with age,and if they don’t get it they do quarrel with others and even hurt others to get it.Mine,yours and such distinctions are strong.Karma or action without knowledge leads him to dualities of Maaya.The association is with people who try to fill stomach and the yoni with blissful experiences of various sorts .Therefore the path to thamas is open for rajasic people.But if with luck and kindness of God and earlier sathkarma,such a soul gets chance to be in company of people with good qualities(sajjana) the rajasic can become sathwik in course of time.
Rajasik people should be aware of bad influences of contacts with womanizers and women with loose morals,because it is the worst danger to which they will be subjected.They should avoid contact with bad people .The only being who is not desirous of beauty of women is Narayana .He was not desirous of even the beauty of Apsara. All others including ,Shiva had at least once in their life become lured by women’s beauty.Maaya is sthreeroopa.With one movement of her eye she can destroy the entire world .But she is under control of Narayana alone.The rajasic one who is careful not to get lured by such temptations and who has sradha in sajjanasamsarga and in acquisition of gnaana and mukthy only will get over the temptations.For women ,the maaya appears in male roopa and for men as streeroopa.therefore avoid illicit contacts and relation with opposite sexes.Control all sense organs.God is Eka .Know him as occurring in oneself and in everything.
Such people do good deeds like construction of wells ,tanks,etc for daily use of all,and do good to society in various ways.they protect nature and its life because everything is God for them.By bhakthy,nishkaamakarma and yoga ,and by vedanthic thoughts ,virakthy etc whether in samsaara or sanyasa the rajasic person can attain sathwik state in time .Then gradually he can attain the nirguna state .the saguna,nirguna,the sakaama and nishkaama are the four types of bhakthiyoga they have in God.Becaus eof combinations of these manifold rajasic methods of worships happen.
Do not advice sasthra to the cruel,proud,and to the one who pretends as good but is not actually so,to the one who is having desires,not devoted,to those who hurts the devoted,etc .Even if we advice it will not give any effect or even produce opposite effects.This has to be adviced to the one with sradha,bhakthy,vinaya,maithry,preethy in listening,purity ,athmanusandhaana ,and saanthy,and nishta in sadaachaara ,and one who is free from envy and who is compassionate and loves entire creation.It will bear fruit in such people.
Hearing the words of her divine son Devahoothy became free from all sorrows.She worshipped and praised him as her Guru as well as the Paramaguru Bhagavan .She was aware of her punya in having born such a son who is Guru to entire universe ,including his own mother .hearing her sthuthy ,Bhagavan Kapila was moved by the love and devotion of his mother and he said with this unshakable love in me you will reach moksha quite easily .With her permission Kapila then left his home to perform his life mission of spreading Samkhyathathwa in the world.Devahuthy followed the ashtangayoga which her son advised .In Iswarapranidhana she meditaed upon the ishtadevatha as her own son/Guru/Paramapurusha and as kapila said she attained brahmapada easily by that devotion and love.The place where she attained Brahmapada,as mother and first disciple of Kapila became Sidhasrama and she became a river in that area .
Kapila became wellknown as the first samkhya and yoga teacher and the first Avathar of Vishnu to do teaching of samkhyayoga.
Before Kapila and after Kapila who were the teachers of Samkhya ,yoga and Bhagavathathathwa?
It starts from the great serpent King Adisesha as Samkarshana who in yogic Samadhi see Lord Naaraayana alone .The Adisesha was sworshipped by Sanaka and sanathkumara and the other kumara by songs ordered into raaga and with great devotion and received the knowledge from him.Sanathkumara taught it to his disciple Samkhyaayana.Samkhyaayana taught it to Geeshpathy and Paraasara.Paraasara taught it to Maithreya and Vyaasa.From Maithreya Vidura got the knowledge.And from Vyasa Suka and many of his disciples received it.
Krishna himself taught it to Udhava,and Arjuna and many of his devotees.
Hiranyagarbha ,the first being is the originator of Yoga.Rishabha and other bhaagavatha followed this yoga .Dhruva and Prahlada ,Janaka etc were all great yogins.Pathanjali was the codifier of this yogasasthra very late in history.Budha also followed this knowledge.
In some of the pictures of Pathanjali we find him as partly Naaga and partly human.And in all yogin’s head a serpent hood is seen.The modern historians wherever they see a serpent hood say that it is not a Hindu God but is a Jaina or Budhist idol.In fact ,the serpent hood denotes that this is a person who has been following the most ancient yoga and samkhya and Bhaagavatha dharma which originated first with Adisesha,the bed on which Vishnu has his Samadhi state of Yoganidra.Pithamaha,the Brahma,who was born in his nabhi padma,enquired Him both outside in the gross external universes and then internal in the subtle inner world.Yoga gives us a wisdom most subtle and internal and encompassing both the gross external universe and the subtle universe both inner and outer.For this one needs Thapas for a long period.The very fact that we are given that thapas and that wisdom shows that we are loved by God.Otherwise we would not be able to have such an inclination at all.
The yogins are gnaani and sarvagna but they are the most innocent people one can see on earth.We find the kumara like sanaka ,sanandana etc as five year old children ,most innocent and having no other thought except onepointed devotion in Bhagavaan.
The innocence of Dhruva as a child devotee is parallel to this.When Dhruva did austerities in Madhuvana,Lord appeared before him with a love and compassion for that innocent child,and just touched his cheeks with his conch,which is sruthiroopa.Just by that loving motherly touch ,Dhruva got all gnaana .Dhruva married the daughter of Simsumaara prajaapathy(Simsumaaara is Vishnu Himself) called Brami(Revolutions)and daughter of Vaayu called Ila (Earth). In Brami (revolution)which represents Time,he had two children Kalpa and Valsara(Kalpa is a great epoch and valsara is a small epoch of an year).In Ila(Earth)which represents space he had one son The Utkala.(The present Orissa )Thus with Dhruva as the fixed polestar of earth,and the king of India residing in Uthkala ,and cause of revolutions of earth and responsible for the spacetime calculation as well as continuum was born the Bhagavathadharma in India.The period of one polestar (Dhruvathaara)for earth is 36000 years according to Bhaagavathapuraana.
Dhruva was taken to Vishnuloka by Vishnupaarshada (Nanda and Sunanda) and to this day he is worshipped as our polestar.Naming a star by a name of a king is seen for the first time in Bhagavatha.After Simsumara ,the entire starscape in the form of Vishnu,Dhruva the polestar of Earth and the saptharshi nearby ,and the 27 starclusters as wives of Chandra or moon are considered important for astronomical understanding of universe ,its gathy and position.
Dhruvapada is Vishnupada itself.All compassionate and nonviolent people loving all alike and hurting no being at all can reach this Vishnupada with the blessings of Hari.The story of Dhruva was sang in the sacrificial hall of Prachethas by Narada with his lyre accompanied by beautifully made keerthana and music.
Utkala was a gnaani and did not get interested in empire or crown or any worldly things .Therefore Valsara was the next emperor.He had 6 sons in his wife Swarveethi(The path to heaven).Their names were Pushparna,Thigmakethu,Ishan,Oorjan,Vasu,and Jayan.
Pushpaarna had two wives Prabha and Dosha.For Prabha the three sandhya (morning,noon,and evening)became children.The children in Dosha were Pradosha,Niseetha and Vyushta.Vyushta had a son Sarvathejas in wife Pushkarini.Aakoothy was wife of Sarvathejas and her son was Chakshus.He is the Chakshushaprajapathy of Chakshusha Manuanthara.
He was devoid of raagadwesha and a perfect yogi and he had in his wife Nadwala ,sons who were like him,without dualities of raagadwesha.They are the famous kings called Thritha,Dyumna,Puru,Satyavaan,Kutsan,Sibi,Rithavratha,Pradyumna,Unmukha and Agnishtoma and Athirathra.Some of these are mentioned in the veda and some are having names of sacrifices.
Unmukha means one with a face lifted to higher realms.He had in his wife Pushkarini(Holy lakes)6 famous sons called Angan(After him Angadesa or Orissa became famous),Krathu,Khyathy,Gayan (After whom the sacred place Gaya is named),Angiras(The most famous vedic rishi and to whose Guruparampara Krishna belongs)and Sumanas.Anga in Suneetha had a son called Vena.Because of his bad habits Anga left the empire and went to forests.Vena was killed by the Rishis because of his adharma.And they cloned the cells from his right arm and from his thigh.From the thigh a short human race with black skin ,short limbs,heavy jawbones ,slightly flat nose,and red eyes and blond hair was born .And he was made to rule as king of mountainous tracts and forests as Nishada and Nishadavansa(to which Guha of Ramayana as well as King Nala belong) and Kiraathavansa are his descendents .See how beautifully the anthropological features of a race is picturised by Vyaaasa in his epic.The branch of anthropology started in the west only after they had contact with India .The knowledge transfer was responsible for this from east to west.
From the arms were born a male and a female –Prithu and Lakshmi.Prithu is considered as Avathara of Vishnu.He is the first to institute a agricultural economy with agriculture,goraksha and vaanijya (the functions of Vaisya )protected by the king (Kshathriya) so that a unified Government administration happened and India became prosperous.The forest goods and transport through forest and mountainous tracts was under the rule of his brother king Nishaada.Thus a good system of trade ,commerce and selfsustained economy established during prithu’s rule.He established dharma and protected dharma of all people and ruled a unified empire in India.The feat of agricultural methods to increase production of food,the finding of the different minerals and metals for various uses and the settling of people in villages and urban centers,and townplanning with trade centers an dspecialisation of various professions etc are attributed to King Prithu .(ch 1-32 .4th sk Mahabhagavatha).If we cannot compare such statements of the epic with what archeological evidence we have right from Mehrgarh period to Harappan,IVC and Sathavaahana ,sangham,periods and beyond until the Vijayanagara period in a continuous manner,,it only shows that our views are not logical at all.
Prithu was adviced the yogamathra by Sanathkumara himself.
Prithu is a avathar of Vishnu .His wife was Archis .His sons are Vijithaswan,Dhoomrakesan,Harykshan,Dravinan and Vrikan.After transforming the empire into an economically selfsufficient united whole Prithu took to mokshamarga (Bhagavathadharma)and with his wife entered forest for vanaprastha and sanyasa.The austerities of Prithu were great and he first resorted to eating roots and then dry leaves alone ,and then water alone and finally avoiding even that he took to complete upavaasa.He entered Samadhi fixing chitha in Hari as Paramathmabhava and attained moksha.Archis entered agni as sathi .(The first sathi was the wife of Shiva ,but she did sathi not because of her husband’s death but because of insult from her father .So this can be sonsidered as the first sathi mentioned in Bhagavatha).
Vijithaswan was the next emperor.He gave east of empire to Haryaksha,south to Dhoomrakesa,west to Vrika,and north to Dravinas.And these brothers ruled empire as a whole each one looking after the affairs of the four directions.Vijithaswan’s wife Sikhandini had three sons who were Paavaka,pavamaana and suchi (the three agni in former janma).In another wife Nabhaswathy he had Havirdhaana.He abolished the habits of taking taxes,giving capital punishments,and giving fines etc saying that these are hurting his people.Havirdhana had 6 sons .Barhishath,Gaya,Sukla,Krishna,Sathya,and Jithavratha.Among them Barhishath became great both in administration for welfare of people,and in yoga.His wife was Sathadruthy ,daughter of the oceans.For this Pracheenabarhis,in Sathadruthi was born the sons together called Prachethas.(10 of them).All of them were yogi and wentto the ocean,their maternal home and did austerity on Hari.
The West coast of India is the place described as the thpovana and the Sindhu(ocean)shore to where they went.The great lake and its fauna and flora are described in detail and it is the description of the lowlying lakes of Kerala .The fishes,birds,animals etc are given in detail.The princes heard the beautiful music accompanied by Mridanga,Panava,and other musical instruments and were totally lost in the aesthetic beauty of that music.And from that lake they saw Lord Shiva emerging .Shiva adviced the Vaasudevamanthra to the Prachethas from the lakeshore of the west coast ,near the ocean. They had darsana and blessings of Hari .
The first deforestation of western coast was started by them and the forest trees (Devatha of flora )gave him their daughter Marisha for stopping the destruction according to the advice of Brahma.The famous Daksha who had Brahmasaapa in previous birth,was reborn in her as the son of Prachethas.
Vasudevamanthra and the yogopadesa which Shiva gave comprises sl 32-97 of 24th ch 4th skanda of Bhagavatha.
Dhruva and his chronology is given thus in detail.Dhruva’s father Uthaanapaada had a brother Priyavratha.The chronology of Priyavratha is then given in 5th skanda .If this detailed chronology and important historical events and its significance is known to an ancient people and if they have been giving over that history(Ithihasa and purana) to the successors ,what should one infer ?
Brahma had Swayambhuva and Satharoopa created (The Adam and Eve comparison as in Bible).And Uthanapada and Priyamvratha were their sons.We saw the branching progeny of Uthanapada and his son Dhuva.Now the branching progeny of Priyamvada is given by sage vyasa.
Priyamvratha married Barhishmathy ,daughter of Viswakarma the deva architect.He had 10 sons having the names of Agni,and a beautiful energetic girl called Oorjaswathy in her. (Agneedra,Idhmajihua,yagnabahu,Medhathithy,Mahaveera,Savana,Veethihothra,Kavi,Ghrithaprishta and Hiranyarethas .Kavi,Mahaveera and Savana became paramahansa from childhood itself.They became bhaagavatha and yogins with bhakthy in Mukunda).In another wife Priyamvratha had Raivatha,Uthama and Thaamasa (3 sons).They became Manu in later manuanthara. The progeny of Priyamvratha ruled the nation for 11 arbudha time.He was a great traveler of sky and oceans and he is responsible for division of globe into seven continents and seven oceans surrounding each continents.(Vasco da gama was only a very very late comer and that too one who knew only trade and commerce and not scientific details of sea voyage ).He gave the seven continents for his seven children to govern and perform dharma .The daughter Oorjaswathy was married to Sage usanas or Sukra and Devayani was her daughter who later married king Yayathi .Agneedra was king of Jambudweepa the continent to which Bharathavarsha belongs.He had in the Apsara singer Poorvachithy nine children .They were Naabhi,Kimpurusha,Harivarsha,Ilavritha,Ramyaka,Hiranmaya,Bhadraswa,Kuru and Kethumaala. And they were first cousins of Dhruva .They married the daughters of Meru (Merudevi,Prathiroopa,Ugradamshtra,Latha,Ramya,Shyama,Naari,Bhadra and Devaveethi). When Nabhi ruled what is present Bharathavarsha was called Ajanaabhavarsha.Nabhi did austerities and wished for Vishnu to be born as his son.And compassionate Vishnu was pleased with his bhakthy and took avathaar in Merudevi as Rishbha .(The first Theerthankara of jaina).In Jayanthi,Daughter of Indra Rishabha had a hundred sons and the eldest one Bharatha ruled Ajanabhavarsha and after that it aquired the name of Bhaartahavarsha.(Even the history of the name of our nation is mentioned ).Nine of the sons (Ilavarthan,Malayan,Brahmavarthan,Kusavarthan,kethu,Indrasprik,keetakan and Vidarbhan )ruled over different parts of Bharathavarsha which is known by their names.Nine of the sons became famous Haribhaktha and paramabhaagavatha as navayogins (Kavi,Pippalayana,Hari,Prabudha,Dramila,Chamasa,Avirhothra and Anthariksha) and spread Haribhakthi and Bhaagavathadharma which was advised to them by their fathe Rishabha.Towards the end of his life Rishabha became an avadhootha and crossing Konkana,Dakshinakarnataka,traveled in south and in vangadesa and he was burned by forest fires while wandering in the Kudajaadri (in present Karnataka where the temple of Devi Mookambika stands .This was the ancient northern limit of Kerala ).By the birth of Vishnu as Rishabha the race of Priyavratha became pure and the descendents became great Krishnabhaktha singing and telling stories of Hari and spreading Bhagavathadharma.Rishabha demonstrated how to do naishkarmya in this birth.Whosoever heres his advices will become possesse d of Ekanthikabhakthy in Krishna.
Bharatha married the daughter of Viswaroopa called Panchajani.They had five sons Sumathy,Rashtrabrith,Aavaranan,Dhoomrakethu and Sudarsanan.Nepal and the Ghandaki river in which the saalagraama are seen is described here.It is said that Bharatha wentto visit Pulaha rishi doing penance in the vicinity of this river.Pulaha was doing dhyana of Krishna when he saw the rishi. Bharatha accepted sanyasa there and while he was doing oblutions in Gndhaki river he saw a pregnant deer being killed by a hunters arrow and a small kid falling into the river from its womb and Bharatha with his compassion took up the cub and looked after it as his own son.During his moment of death ,because of attachment to the deer son,Bhartaha thought about only the deer and therefore he was born as a deer .But due to his great austerities he constantly remembered what had happened and how he was reborn as a deer.After that birth ,he was again reborn in the race of Angirasa as one of the twins (the other was a female child).Because of his former memory of attachment and its effects he was always leading a life of nonattachment and even when his father tried to teach him he could not pronounce the vedamanthra correctly.The rishi had nine children.When the rishi died and mother did sathi,the other brothers of Bharatah thought this is a mentally retarded useless one ,deaf and dumb and made him do all household duties and he did all without complaint.Outside appearance of the body was that of an ignorant unclean mentally retarded one,but he had an enlightened Brahmamahas within .One day ,a soodra king wanted a man of perfect proportions to sacrifice eto Bhadrakaali and his servants saw Bharatah .They bathed and cleaned him and ornamented his body and took him to the Kaali temple Bharatha was not at all afraid and he was happily following whatever they asked .But seeing a Bhaktha and Gnaani like Bharatha being taken to the altar and being sacrificed,Kaali was angered and she appeared in her true form and killed the ones who were trying to kill him.Once ,king Rahoogana who ruled Sindhusouveeradesa was traveling along river Indumathy to reach kapilasrama to learn thathwa ,and Bharatha was taken as one of the carriers of his vehicle.Bharatha who was careful not to injure any jeeva ,even an ant under his foot ,due to his Ahimsa was slow to walk did not heed to orders to walk in the same pace as the other carriers.The king insulted him in severalways.He called bharatha as dead body(jada)mad(matha)etc and said he will give treatment for these.hearing the insults and not perturbed by them the Jadabharatha replied”What you said is true,I agree.Though there is weight for the one who I carry,I do not have it,because I am not the body,but Athman and therefore I do not have tiredness.Only the traveler has a goal.And I should be the traveler.Only then there is travel.I am not the traveler Because I am that Chidathma filling everything and everywhere and I have no where to go or come.
But I have some doubt about what you called me as obese.the obesity and thinness are only for body.Not for the Athman.therefore only ignorant will call the Athman as obese.
Fatness,thinness,sorrows of mind,fears,desires,hunger and thirst ,diseases,quarrels,eros,anger,old age,sleep,pride,etc are seen in all that is born .For all wih a birth and such a life there is death also.Therefore , my body is a jada (dead one)with birth and death .Our dharma as servant and master will be there only for a temporary period.Once the period is over that dharma also naturally ends.The order and servitude are temporary like the physical objects.If I become a king ,the name servant is lost from that day.And vice versa.the relation of master-seravnt is not eternal.The special duality of I am master and you are servant is a type of intellect which is not seen in the law of God,but only in worldly views.For the worldly law I am servant and you are king the master.But for me ,who is sometimes seravant,sometimes mad,sometimes dead(jada)etc your treatment will not be of any use .And for me as the changeless Athman it is not required either.For one with a sthabda or pramathachitha no siksha or teaching will become fruitful .And for athma which knows everything ,the worldly teaching is of no either way what you called me is correct.
Rahoogana knew his folly in not recognizing the yogin in this praakrith man and he prostrated before the sage asked for yoga upadesha and Bharatha gave upadesha to Rahoogana.The advice of Bharatha is the ekanthika vasudeva dharma itself.
The Bhagavad padi as a river flows from the feet of Vishnu with four branches arising from Meru .The four branches flow to four sides in Vardhi.They are Chakshus(present Oxus)Seetha,Alakananda,and Bhadra.Seetha falling down through the Gndamadana mountains,and the middle of Bhdrachalavarsha reaches the eastern ocean .Chaksusha through Malyavaaan mountain ,and middle of Kethumaal reaches the western ocean.Through Sringavan mountains and northen Kuru ,flowing north,Bhadra falls in the ocean.Alakananda through south of Brahma mountains through several places and Hemakoota flows through Bhaartaha bhoomi and reaches the southern ocean.Bharathabhoomi is for experience of karmaphala.In all the nine varsha and seven continents Hari alone lives .In Ilavritha Shiva alone is seen as male and all others are females.Shiva is the 4th Thaamasa moorthy of Vishnu .For highest Samadhi state Shiva gave the samkarshanamanthra .
There was a Brhmin in the land called Kanyakubja(Kanouj).He was attracted to a dasi and married her.He lost all interest in vedic swadhyaya,pooja and devotion to God and became a samsaari and was immersed in worldly life.He didn’t do his sandhya,did dishonest deeds life dice,thefts etc and amassed wealth for his wife and children in all bad ways.He did hurt men animals and birds just for his selfish needs.In this way he lived upto eightyeight years.During his old age he begot a child and named him Narayana.Both the parents were very fond of this infant son who was born to them in old age.Seeing his playful infancy,hearing his words,giving him food and bathing him and putting him to sleep the old man became too much attached to him.He never had loved his other children like that because he was busy making money when they were born.The child was always with the old man and every moment the father used to call him “Narayana,Narayana”.And he always remembered the child and his name.The time came for his death.The messengers of Dharmaraja arrived.Seeing those three Dharmapaarshada the old man was afraid and he instantly remembered his son and called out”Nrayana….Naraayanaa…”.Immeadiately four paarshada of Hari arrived .all of them with beautiful lotus eyes,yellow garments and four arms wearing conch,wheel ,padma and mace and youthful looking in all respects like Hari himself.They prevented the Yamakinkara from taking Ajamila.Yamadhootha said:-Who are you?Your light makes us blind.Why do you prevent us who are doing our dharma?”
The vishnuparshada said with a smile:-If you are messengers of Dharmarajan tell us the dharma with its lakshana.How is the punishment done?Which is the place where it is given?Are the people who implement the dharma also subject to such punishment?If not so,will not they become just a few among the human race?”
The yamadhootha replied:-Whatever is said in the veda is dharma.Whatever is not in veda must be adharma.Veda is the same as that swayambhoo Vishnu.Our Dharmadeva has told us so.Naaraayanan is that supreme Lord who have in his own swadhaama this entire prapancha with thriguna .The night,day,dharma,directions,water and other bhootha are the witness of entire jeevajaala.They know every one’s dharma and give punishment for the adharma.Everyone has to suffer the punishment or reward according to their own karma.This janma is only the image of the previous one .The praanivarga are born with the tendencies of previous birth and do karma because of that.This Brahmana was a honest and vedic scholar and had controlled his senses ,but seeing a daasi who was entertaining a man ,drunk,naked and singing and dancing ,he lost all his control and becoming her servant married her.Because she didn’t like his way of Brahmnic life,he sacrificed all his good ways just for pleasing her and amassed wealth in the way she suggested him to do.He became so low in his life that he forgot God and lived the life of even less than an animal.Now the time has come for us to take him to where his rightful place is.By being there and having proper punishment he will become pure again.”
Vishnuparshada said:-Even in the minds of dharma protectors adharma has entered.This man might have done a crore of sins in this janma or in pastjanmas but by calling out the name of Naraayanaa all his sins are lost and he has become purified.By calling Narayana once sins disappear.If it is repeated he is liberated.This man called out Narayana,Narayana repeating twice .You yourself said that your Dharmadeva has instructed you that Narayana himself is Veda and by doing what is in the veda is dharma.So,this janthu(jeeva)has done what is ascribed by veda by calling out Narayana and he is liberated .We have to take him to our Lord’s dhama.His place is there.”
In this way Ajamila was liberated.
When Jaya and Vijaya ,two of the Parshada of Vishnu were cursed by the Sanakaadi Rishi,they were born as Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakasipu. Hiranyaksha was killed by Vishnu in his Varaha avathara.Hiranyakasyapa did severe penance and Brahmadeva gave him boons that he will not be killed by man ,animal,inside or outside ,day or night ,by weapons so that he enjoyed victory over all the worlds.He insisted that everyone should meditate on his name only .And the life became miserable for deva,rishi and good men and women on earth.They went to SriNarayana and meditated on him:-
“Om Namo Bhagavathe Thubhyam
Purushaaya Mahathmane
Sandohaaya yathobhayam.”
Bhagavan told them that a pious son will be born to the Asura with the famous name of Prahlada and through him,the Lord himself will kill Hiranyakasipu.
During a Devasurasangrama while the asura were in hiding ,Narada had helped Kayathu,wife of Hiranyakasyapa ,who was pregnant at the time ,to protect her infant embryo by giving her protection in his ashram.The infant embryo in her womblistened to Harinaama and keerthana of the great Muni ,and became a devotee of Vishnu even while he was in the womb of his mother.This child was born as Prahlada.
From his infancy he showed his rare qualities.He was sathwik,and helped all with compassion,and had an equality in all living things .He worshipped Guru like God,and people were treated as if a father.He was learned in veda and sciences and had a humble demeanour and was loved by all .He always enjoyed in Harinama.His toys were not like other children.He made a idol of Krishna and played with it ,worshipping it and singing to ot.Many a time he was seen in deep meditation and Samadhi state like a yogi.Or he will be singing keerthana in a emotional ecstacy with tears of joy in eyes .
Sukra was the Guru of asura race.In Hiranyakasipu’s palace two of the sons of Sukra(Sounda and Arka)were teaching children .Once Hiranyakasipu took Prahlada on his lap and asked what did your Guru teach you.He said:-
“I think it is better to go forest and meditate on Narayana than living in this dark well of world where people are mistakenly identifying body as Athman and getting bound to it forever”.
The king thought my little son is being taught the love of Hari by Brahmins who have come specifically for that purpose.The teachers were asked to be careful .The teachers afraid of their plightasked the child”Prahlada,Who taught you this?Is it natural in you or does any one tell you this?”
Prahlada said:-
“That Iswara who makes us subjects to his Maaya of illusionary ego like mine and yours ,Tht Hari ,who is Lord of everything, Namaskaaram.When that Bhagwan is compassionate in a man,the maya of mine yours etc ends and the animal intelligence is destroyed .Even the creators of scriptures have been put under the illusion of mine and Thine.By my luck,that Lord had made my mind different from other children of his.Just like a piece of iron by a magnet,my mind is always moving to that Lord Chakrapaani.”.
The teachers wereafraid.They gave him several types of punishments and tried to stop him from uttering the name of Vishnu.Thay said in the vansa of sandalwood of Hiranyakasipu,such a thorny tree has been created for their destruction.The child learned Dharma,Artha,and other vidyas quickly but he never stopped uttering the name of Vishnu and the mokshamarga.Once his mother after bathing him and giving new dress sent him to see his father.The king embraced the child and putting him on his lap ,kissing and with tears of joy in his eyes asked “My dear son,what good things you learned from your teachers?Tell me ,your loving father.”.
The child said:- The Purusha who does the navavidhabhakthy(nine types of bhakthy) like paadasevana,archana,athmanivedana,vandanam,keerthanam,sakhyam,smrithy,dasyam and hearing his naama ,and one does these with sradha and sacrifices everything in Bhagavan,the best will be to learn this marga.
The lips of the cruel father twitched in anger and he was angry at the teachers.Why did you teach such things to my child?Are you a spy of my enemy?
The Guruputhra said: I haven’t taught him these.No one else has taught him this too.This is a natural knowledge in him.Please do not be angry with us.
Then th eking said to his son:-Hey,killer of one’s own race,If this opposite intellect was not created in you by your teachers,from where did you derive this?Tell me the truth.
The child said with folded hands:-If a person who is living in the pleasures and attachments of a home ,develops a onepointed devotion in Bhagwan,it cannot be from another ,nor is it from oneself and not by mutual help of these two.Those impure chethas or intellects who think the external objects are the truths,will never get the wisdom of Bhagvan Mukunda.They are bound in the threads of samsara made of Iswara as if a blind leading a blind forever.Until the dust from the feet of pure souls fall on their mind,their minds are not likely to enjoy the feet of Krishna”
That was too much for the egocentric father and he asked his soldiers to kill the child taking him to a far off place.The child is a servant of the one who killed my brother and even at the age of five he has joined the side of enemy and therefore he has to be disposed of as early as possible.The king said.He thought of his deed as a surgeon removing a organ which is harmful to the existence of the body.
The soldiers did hurt the child in many ways.But the child was not shaken by the pain or injuries.He remained in Vishnu with unshakable love,devotion and faith.By fire,elephants,serpents with poison,sword,and by pushing down a high mountain,putting to jail without food or water,burying in the soil,and tieing with strong choir and then immersing in water –The soldiers did all sorts of things to kill a five year old child.When Hiranyakasipu heard of this he became thoughtful.The child could not be killed by my strong soldiers.He has liberated himself by his own power from all such attempts.What a wonderful thing to happen!Though a small baby he is so fixed in his pure intellect .He is like Sunashepha in the veda ,who was saved from death.My son has immense power in him and is fearless and Deathless .If I am an enemy to this child of mine,Mrityu can happen to me,not to him”
Then according to the advice of the sons of Sukra ,Prahlada was bound by Varunapaasa and given punishment of learning what the Guru teach him in that bound state.But ,whatever they taught had duality and Prahlada did not agree to learn them.When the other children of the Guru called him to play with themPrahlada called them to his side and with a disarming smile started to give them advice.All the children forgot their toys and sat around Prahlada and learnt what he taught .The children fixed their heart and eys in this divine child and loved him .By that love Prahlada was moved and in his natural friendship and compassion he told them:-
“The scholars should start to do Bhagavathadharma during childhood itself.It is difficult to get the human birth.But ,it also is temporary and will end.The best is to dedicate oneself at the feet of Madhava,who is the friend,God and Athman of everything.There is no point in acquisition of external wealth which will not last.It is just wasting the life.The dedication of life to feet of Vishnu gives us eternal endless bliss and that is the real wealth.Before the health dwindles by old age,the intelligent one should start aquiring this wealth as early as possible.
If one has a hundred years of lifespan,half of it goes in vain for a person who is not having control of his senses(in sense pleasures).Every day ,half is lost by the sleep which is inevitable.In infancy and childhood and adolescene man wastes twenty years in useless play .For one who has not controlled senses the rest of life is wasted in desires of women,children,wealth etc.How does a Athman who is brought up in such an environment in a house ,bounded to desires of several types becomes able to free his senses and get Mukthimarga?
My friends,Which is dearer than the praana? We find the thiefs and the traders and their servants trying to make money even if the praana is lost .We find men remembering the lovely women and their union in solitude and the attachment to them forever.We find the attachment to children and grandchildren and to different types of pleasures in houses, to profession,and to the world among worldly people around.The pleasures of the toungue,eyes,nose,ears,and skin and generative organ is neverending for living things.Continuing this cycles of temporary attachments people waste the entire lifespan.What they think as their wealth is not theirs at all.Even the scholars are under the influence of this misunderstanding that external objects are their wealth.Such people become powerless to know the swaswaroopa.
The one who is attached to external objects is never liberated and becomes a playing monkey for vishayasukha.He becomes a chain of sons to the endless generations of samsaara.Therefore,my friends,Leave the attachment to your Daitya race and its attachment to external body and worlds and dedicate yourself to Vishnu
He is mokshaswaroopa.He is in every element and everything is in him.Therefore if you pleases him,you will be liberated and saved.That Paramathman is Nitya,and Eka.Whatever is seen as many is actually that Eka only.Therefore be compassionate and loving to all living things.By love and compassion toall Hari is pleased.If that Bhagwan is pleased nothing more is there to be gained.We,who drink the nectar of his feet do not desire anything,not even the mukthy or nirgunabrahma state.For us dharma and athmavidya and everything is Hari alone.The logic,sciences and the several professional knowledge which people follow are only relative truths for us and absolute truth isHari who is truth of all truths.therefore dedicate everything in him.In the past Narayana ,the friend of Nara adviced this to Narada ,the Brahmarshi.This is the Aikanthikagnaana .This Bhagavathadharma and the pure Ekanthikagnana I learnt from Narada directly.”
The friends of Prahlada said:-Prahlada,You like us is a child.And we have been learning only under these two Guruputhra only.And how did you get the learning from Narada in the Antha:pura of your mother where fearing your father no rishi ever comes?This is unbelievable.Tell us how you saw Narada and and got his advice ?
Then Prahlada tells his friends how Indra was taking his pregnant mother as prisoner to kill the child within and how Narada saved his mother saying that the child is the greatest Vishnubhaktha to be born ever and thus changing Indra’s mind.Narada adviced dharma,and Advaitha to the pregnant mother.My mother forgot them immeadiately .But I still remember them.For children and women if they have concentration in this knowledge,pure intellect will be attained .Therefore listen to my words.
“By time or kaala which is Isaswaroopa ,just like the plants get flowers and fruits by seasonal times, the body gets the six bhava like birth ,death etc.They are not of the Athman.Athman is sudha,nitya,eka,avyaya,kshethragna,and ultimate cause and nonattached and with no action,and omnipresent ,unmanifested,muktha ,and budha. .These are the 12 signs of Athman.Withthese 12 signs one should avoid,the feeling of mine,and I in this body and its enjoyments.The Athmagna ,like a expert goldsmith has to separate athman(gold)from its impurities so that it becomes worth for great karma.For this one should resort to yogathanthra.Eight prakrithy,three guna and eight vikara are that of prakrithy and Athman is Eka.The best and easiest method for concentration is to do service of a sadGuru,dedication of all,devotion,archanm of God,association with good people,sradha in stories of Isa,His gunakeerthan,meditation of his lotus feet etc.Win the desires and worldly attachments by such means and with love become one with Vaaasudeva.When the love in Vasudeva become fixed as rathi,hearing and uttering his names and stories and singing and listening to his keerthana one becomes ecstatic,with tears of joy,sometimes laughing ,sometimes crying,and dancing ,sometimes in deep mediating moods,and all the time chanting his names in mind .When this state is attained Bhagavan is pleased and all impurities of vasana are removed and one merges in bhagavan.Hari exists everywhere and in everything.Only Hari is worth attaining.Other things are of no use .”
The asura children heard his words with happiness and concentration and everyone of them became devoted in Ekanthikabhakthimarga.Seeing this the son of Sukra,their teacher was terror-struck.He went and complained to the king about what had happened.Prahlada was brought to his father.Seeing him in a terrible fit of anger Prahlada was not afraid and he stood there with folded arms in front of his father with a smile .
Hiranya asked:-The three worlds are afraid of just a turn of my eye.How can you be so fearless of me?Whose power is this?
Prahlada said:-Father,The one who is the Lord of all worlds is my power.He protects me as well as you and all elements.Do sacrifice your aasura ego .He will protectyou with his power.
Hiranya said:-You are inviting death.Fool,unlucky one,If there is such a powerful Lord to protect you where is he?You say he is everywhere.Is he in this pillar too?
Prahlada prostrated before that pillar and said ,yes ,he is in this pillar too.
Hiranyakasipu’s anger knew no bounds.He said ,let me see whether what you say is true and after that I myself will kill you.He hit on the pillar and a sound emanated from it which echoed everywhere.Hari came out of it in a wonderful form half man half lion,and killed Hiranyakasipu.Even after killinghim the rage of Narasimha did not decrease.To make him peaceful Brahma,Shiva,Indra,Rishis,Pithrus,sidha,vidhyadhara,naaga,Manus,Prajapathis,Gandharva ,chaarana,yaksha ,kinpurusha ,vaithalika ,kinnara ,vishnuparshada sang his keerthana .But he was not appeased.Even Lakshmi was afraid of going near this samharamurthy which she was not familiar with.Prahlada slowly went up to him and did keerthana.His sthuthy made the Lord peaceful.Prahlada in his sthuthy says ten methods for moksha.They are Mouna(silence),vratha ,srutham,adhyayanam,living in a secret place away from the worldly people,doing swadharma,japa,and commenting the scriptures in different ways,Samadhi .(Do this in practical life and one will be liberated).
The blessing Bhagawan gave Prahlada was ,for the past 21 generations your race has become purified by your birth in their progeny(thus giving purification to Hiranyakasipu also) and the Keekatadesa were you are born is also purified by your birth.they will not hurt any jeeva whether highborn or lowborn seeing me in all.
How Prahlada learns Paramahansadharma from banks of Kavery:-
Once Prahlada with his trusted ministers were traveling to observe the conditions of his subjects.In the Sahyadri on the banks of the river Kaveri he saw a rishi ,who had dirtied his body lying on the ground but with a great thejas emanating from him.By form,word,action,or varnasramadharma no one could determine his race or identify him.Prahlada respected that rishi and asked:- You are seen with a fat body pointing out that you have good food by effort to aquire them.Only one who does his profession/job can get such good food.Daily good food must be the reason for your fatty body.But I see you lying on earth and very lazy and inactive.And the wealth for good food is not seen here.And desire for good bed is not seen in you.I see people engaged in aquiring money by different methods,every day.But I have not seen a person like you.Tell me your reason for such a life.”
The rishi smiled and said:-Man has pravrithy and nivrithy.Both has place in the center of the adhyathma eye.Seeing everything with that divine eye,You are popular and a leader among Aryajana is known to me.By the causeless devotion which arose in your interior for Hari,that Hari himself residing within you remove ignorance make it enlightened.Yet I will answer you,because for every soul which is pure,you are the worthy person to converse with.I was born in several yoni due to actions of several births.By punyakarma good janma and by paapakarma bad janmas are given by this human birth.It gives gnanayoga and moksha too.Seeing husbands and wives trying to obtain pleasure from samsara getting opposite effect of sorrow from it ,I decided to gat out of samsara.Bcause mind creates all union with external things,to control mind I sleep on earth.Desires in wealth and health and life people live in constant fear.Seeing this around I decided to get away from such desires.My two Guru are the honey bee and the python.From them I learned vairagya and bliss.Honeybee taught me nonattachment from desires.The one amass wealth(like honey)will be killed by another who is lazy and who wants wealth .From python which eats when something is obtained and then lazily lie down without any effort to obtain its next food unless something comes its way,I too take food that comes my way(yadrichayaa) and happily and with content lie down like this.I don’t consider the taste ,quality or preparation of what I get to eat .It keeps me satisfied whatever it is .I am not eager to have a house of my own or wealth of my own and am satisfied by this earth itself to get a good sleep.I am not interested in silk,decorations or jewels to bedeck this perishable body .Whether it is dirty rags or pure silks I am equally satisfied in both.I have done chithavrithinirodha and maaya is sacrificed in satya and being self luminant I have attained my Athmadarsana in Samadhi state and live like this.My life is secret and seems to be beyond the scientific vedic injunctions but this is what is called Paramahamsadharma. (This was the dharma Jadabharatha also followed and advised to Rahoogana).
The story of King Indradyumna and his rebirth as an Elephant in Dravidadesa and his liberation by the compassionate Vishnu is seen in the 8th skanda of Bhagavatha.The 2nd chapter of this skanda begins with the description of the Thrikoota mountain on which Lanka and Southern India rests with Milky ocean around .The three peaks of gold ,silver and iron of the Thrikoota is described.There are minerals,precious stones ,various types of trees and plants with wonderful flowers and fruits,the songs of rivers and quickflowing rivers,this Mountain which is washed by ocean looks green like an emerald .In its caves the kinnar,gandharva,vidyadhara,sidha,charana,uraga(serpents),apsara live ,singing and dancing and enjoying.The echo of lions roar,the eco of lovely music,songsof birds,and smell of different flowers ,and breeze that bring it makes it beautiful.The seashores with white sand,several freshwater lakes,flowers like parijatha,chempaka etc,trees like coconut ,mango ,palms and vines of different types,plantain trees etc are all described just as exists even now in our land.The names of the fauna and flora is faithfully recorded.
In a freshwater lake with lot of lotus,and with shores having ramacha,attuvanchi,kadamba,jasmine,asoka,punnaga,sireesha,sathapathra,inguda,ilanji,naaga,jaathi,kubjaka,suvarnayoothi(golden kurinji),kudajam etc a herd of elephants came to drink water and to bathe.The leader of the elephant herd was captured from underneath the lake,by a big and cruel crocodile .The other members of the herd ran away leaving him to his fate ,though they tried for some time to help him out of the clutches of the enemy.Even after they left,the elephant ,though hungry and hurt,remained unperturbed and for several days ,worshipped Purushothama with lotus flowers (in the lake)mentally praying and remembering the beautiful form and names of Lord and tears flowing from his eyes.Even the devas were astonished seeing this.He remembered the manthra which he had been doing nityajapa in his previous janma even in his animal birth and did maanasajapa and keerthana with flower offerings.Then Vishnu surrounded by his paraivara on his vehicle Garuda,with his sudarsana chakra in hand.The chakra killed the crocodile and liberated the elephant from his grasp. The elephant after singing the glories of Vishnu was elevated to the Gandharvaloka.His form with four arms and yellow dress and equal to Hari was seen by all devas and rishis assembled there.
The elephant in his previous birth was King Indradyumna of Pandhyadesa ,in Dravidam,and was agreat devotee of Vishnu who performed severe austerities.H ewas worshipping wih ekanthikabhakthi in his thapas on the mountaintop .He was having vow of silence.Sage Agastya who came with his disciples was angry ,because in his thapas ,the king did not notice the rishi and did not say a word or do his paadapooja.The sage cursed him to become an elephant ,dumb and having elephant intelligence only.Thus he became an elephant in next janma.But since he Had not done any wrong,God gave him the memory of austerities and the manthra he was doing maanasajapa even in that animal life.And this memory of poorvajanma gave him liberation through the compassionate Vishnu.
8th skanda then proceeds with the Paalaazhimathana and the Koorma,Dhanwanthari,VishnuMohini avathara ,the story of Shiva being lured by Mohini’s beauty so that his semen fell(which resulted in birth of Lord Ayyappa according to Kerala tradition),and then to story of king Mahabali and avathaar of Vaaamana ,and the story of Dravida King Satyavratha and the story of flood and avathara of Matsya .Thus the entire 8th skanda ,from Thrikoota mountain description,and surrounding milky ocean,and the stories associated are in and around the south and central India or Deccan plateau,Sahya ,Dravida and Lanka .Mahabali ruled from Mahishmathy in the Narmada valley which is the original kingdom of yadava king Krithaveerya and after him his son who was given Kerala by Parasurama and his kingdom existed from Narmada basin to entire southern India as a single Janapada till Budha period and continued to exist until the Vijayanagara period with some degree of continuity of its lost glory is to be remembered here.
It is said that the Kaisiki vrithy(music,dance and drama )as Bharathakala was originated when Mohini danced with soft music and the science of Ayurveda originated with birth od Dhanuanthari.Both these,the art of medicine and the arts of iyal,isai,natakam had been and is still a very important element in the cultural lifestyle of people of South India and of Kerala shows an element to be appreciated in Vyasa’s factual account.And the celebration of Onam (sravanam)in the Tamilspeaking south India during sangham period and now restricted only to Kerala is also a historical relic which connects the rule of emperor Mahabali .
Story of Vaamana and Mahabali.
Brighuvansa was the Guruvansa of Mahabali.They were pleased with the good administration of Mahabali,the grandson of Prahlada,and son of Virochana.They decided todo the Viswajith yagna for him so that he becomes Indra and attain swarloka.He was given a chariot with golden covers,horses equivalent to that of Indra,and flags with symbol of Lion on it,and golden divine bow with a quiver which has endless arrows and kavacha unbreakable .His grandfather Prahlada presented him with a garland which will never fade.Sukra gave a beautiful conch.He went to the Indrapura which is surrounded by the famous Ganga and fortified by forts and palaces.It was very prosperous and its prosperity is described by Vyasa .Indra hearing his Guru Brihaspathy’s words that Bali has done 100 Aswamedha and is very powerful it is better to leave the empire and go in hiding went out of that prosperous abode and left it for Mahabali .
Hearing her son’s plight and seeing his stste of isult,Adithy wanted to have a younger brother to Indra and she did austerity to get Mahavishnu as her son.She did payovratha to get Mhavishnu as her son.
In the Month of Simha (sun in Simharasi)nakshathra Thiruvonam(sraavanam )and thithy Dwadasi,in the auspicious muhoortha of Abhijith Vishnu was born to her.All the stars and graham were in good positions denoting success and the dwadasi on which Bhagavan Vamana was brnis designated vijayadwadasi.When the son was born all the deva,gandharva and apsara sang divine music withaccompaniment of instruments and danced.All elements did keerthana of Vishnu.The boy was short in stature and shortlimbed.Kasypa did his upanayana.Surya himself adviced Gayathri ,Brihaspathy gave Brahmasoothra,Kasypa tied the katisuthra,Earth gave krishnajina to wear,Moon gave the danda(stick which Brahmachari carry),Adithy gave the koupeena,sky gave an umbrella.Saraswathy gave Akshamala,Kubera gave bhikshapathra,saptharshi gave kusa grass,Brahma gave kamandalu,Ambika herself gave bhiksha.He did homa of ghee in agni with all these signs of Brahmacharya and went to the Yagasala of Mahabali.
The yagasala was on the northernbank of Narmada river,in the famous Brighukacha .Every one saw the child Vaamana with slendour of a rising sun approachingthe yaagsaala.They wondered “Who is this?Is it Sanatkumara?Or Agni ?Or could it be sun itself?
With his umbrella and his kamandalu the young Brahmachari entered the yagsala.Everyone got up and worshipped the young Brahmin boy ,resplendent as a second fire in the sacrificial place .Mahabali welcomed him and gave respectable seat for him to sit.He washed the Brahmin’s feet with devotionand respect and the theertha after washing Vishnu’s feet was worn by him on his head.That moment itself the great king attained mukthy.
Bali said”By having you in my home I am blessed.May I know the reason why you have come to me?Whatever you want I will give that to you.Whether it be gold,cows,dwelling places,food and drink ,chariots ,villages and horses ,elephants ,precious stones etc,tell me without hesitation.That will be yours.”
Hearing the honest ,truthful words of Mahabali Vishnu was pleased.He said”Your words are truth,dharma,which gives fame to your vansa.For you the brighus and your ancestor Prahlada are examples .Therefore in your race no one who is adharmic or dishonest will be born.Your grandfather is like a moon in your race.Even when the bold Hiranyaksha was won over by Hari,Hari never had an ego that I had won this bold one.When Hiranyakasipu came searching for his brother’s killer to Vaikunta Vishnu with his yoga became sookshma and entered his own body .Hiranyakasipu being always external in vision did not search internally for Hari.Therefore he never saw Hari.From his interior as the rethas Hari came out as Prahlada and had to show his external manifestation as Narasimha f or his father’s emanicipation.Your father Virochana worshipped all Brahmins.Even when an enemy comes to him in the disguise of a Brahmin,knowingly Virochana gave them all they needed.You have such great ancestors in your vansa.And great Brighus are your teachers.You are famous for your daanaseela.I heard of that and came to ask for just three feet of bhoomi from you,measured with my own feet.
Mahabali said:- Child,You are too innocent.I am the overlord of the entire earth.I can give you an entire island or several islands .But you,as if you are foolish ,is asking for just three feet ,that too with your tiny feeet.Ask for better things because a person who comes to me for a need should never go to any other person for any need.
Vishnu said:-For one who has controlled his senses anything in the three world is desired.If I am not happy and contended with three feet earth,I wont be satisfied with several dweepa too.The contentment is a mental state only and do not depend upon the external wealth.The one with one island wants two ,the one with seven islands wants nine and desire increases forever.Artha and kaama makes one bound to samsara.I need only three feet and with that I am satisfied.Please do give me only that.No more.No less.
Mahabali ,smiling took his waterpot to give the land (Until the British /European rule the land deed was done as Neerattiperu in Kerala just as Mahabali did during the bhagavatha days).
Mahabali’s Guru Sukra with his yogadrishty saw that the Brahmin boy is none other than Vishnu.He asked Mahabali not to give anything to him,because he has come to stop the yagna .But Mahabali was a truthful king and he did not go back on his word. Om is satya.Pronuoncing Pranava I had promised the Brahmachari that I will give him whatever he asked for I will not break that word.I am the grandson of Prahlada ,the greatest devotee of Bhagvan Vishnu.You are Brahmins who worship Vishnu and if you say that Vishnu is your enemy your yagna,krathu etc are not useful .I will give everything to Vishnu ,and do my dharma and protect truth .Vishnu could have killed me and takeneverything from me if he wanted.Instead he has come to me and asked me to give what I have and I give it with happiness.
Sukra was unhappy and angry and cursed that honestand truthful disciple for insulting him,:-You have an ego of scholarship and has disobeyed my words and insulted me.Therefore let your Aiswarya be destroyed in this moment”.
Mahabali gave the land with water.His wife Vindhyavali came wearing pearl ornaments and water in a golden pot and washed Vishnu’s feet.King himself washed his feet and divine beings sang and played instruments with dancing and praised the great King Mhabali and his truthfulness anddharma.Vishnu then took his viswaoopa and with one feet measured the seven loka from Athala below,and the above worlds with second feet.
Mahabali saw the seven underworlds in his sole of feet,earth in feet,mountains in ankles,minerals in calf,maruths in his thighs,sandhya in dress,main daithya in guhya,prajapathy in buttocks,akasa in nabhi,in stomach seven oceans,in chest the garlands of stars,dharma in hridaya,ritha and satya in breasts,moon in mind,and in the middle of chest Padmadevi wearing padma.In the neck sabda with repha,in arms Indra and other kings,in ears the devas of directions,heaven in head ,clouds in hair,praana in nose,sun in eyes,agni in mouth.In his word he saw saraswathy and veda,in toungue oceans,in the browswere vidhi and its nishedha,in eyelids were day and night,in agna (forehead)was his anger,and in lower lip greed,and in skin kaama,and in rethas waters,.In the back was adharma,in his walk was adhwara,in shadow was yama,in smile the Isamaaya,in hairs oushadi vanaspathy,and in naadi the rivers,in nails stones,in intellect Aja,and in in sense organs the deva ,rishi,and gnani,all moving and immobile elements in his body.He saw everything in that Athmaroopa .All the daityas saw that wonderful form of Bhagavan.They saw the great lightening of sudarsana and the sound of conch Panchajanya around and the great Sarnga bow ,mace called koumodaki,The sword called Vidyadhara with peacock eyes,and quivers of unending arrows.The entire deva with rishi and their retinue were with him along with vishnuparshada.The bright crown,kundala,kousthubha,angada,sreevalsa,golden ornaments and yellow silk dress and the beautiful flowery garland around which bees sing ,he stood there as Thrivikrama ,Urukrama.He measured earth and heavens and ten directions as well as the mahar,jana and thapoloka.There was nothing to be measured with the third feet .
Seeing the feet of Vishnu measuring the created prapancha,the creator Brahma himself washed it with water of his kamandalu and the water flowed as SwarGanga from Haripaada.The asura chiefs were ready to fight with the Vishnuparshada.Remembering the curse of Sukra,Mahabali called Viprachithy and Rahu and the other chiefs and asked them to stop war.No one can win over the Iswara who is kaalaroopa and when time comes every system has to succumb to another.Army,ministers,intellect,forts,manthra and medicines are of no use when it is bad times .Only if God bless us we can win and at this hour God is not on our side .Therefore do not think that you can win by mere strength of arms.
Garuda bound Mhabali with Varunapaasa ,Vaamana asked “Where is the third feet which you promised me?”
Mahabali being sthithapragna did not feel insulted.He said”I did not say any dishonest word.You can put your feet on my head .I am not afraid of anything whether it is living in hell,loss of power,sorrow,loss of wealth,or in death from your hands.The death from your hands will be the greatest boon I can have because you are the greatest of all greats.The punishment from you is the one which one canot get even from parents .You are the paramaguru who gives shiksha to me indirectly.The asura race is naturally proud by vaasana.Yet you gave many of us that rare and sweet devotion which gave us a greatness and freedom from pride.Even those who had opposite bhakthy in you were actually given liberation by you.I was attracted by your greatness and that was the reason why I became bounded by this Varunapaasa.I am not ashamed of it and nor am I sorrowful about it.Because I am bounded by you,to you and death by your hands will be liberation to me.My grandfather Prahlada who had suffered several difficulties from his own father suffered all of them with equanimity ,by your love and devotion only.What is the use of this life and of wife and wealth which are temporary?My grandfather knowing this,was fixed in your worship and meditation and he was your great bhaktha,gnani and greatest among our race.Just like that ,I am at your feet by the grace of God.You had taught me that all wealth and power is transient .
At that time,Prahlada ,like a full moon came there.Mahabali saw him as blackcoloured,lotus-eyed,wearing yellow garments and tranquil.He could not worship his grandfather properly because he was bound.He just bowed his head with tears in his eyes.Prahlada saw Bhagawan accompanied by Nanda and Sunanda the paarshada.And worshipped him.
Prahlada said:-After giving the position of Aindram to my grandson,you have now taken it back.It was good for him that you did that.It is a blessing for him.The positions are sidhi which are hindrances to Athmaikya.And you have protected him from that danger.My namaskara to you.
Brahma said:-This great man has given everything even his body to you and therefore he should not be bound like this.He worshipped you with love and devotion.He should not be bound like this.He should be liberated.
Vishnu said:- When I decide to bless a person,I first take away all his riches ,because wealth makes one proud and forgetful of God.Wealth and pride makes people insult God and the world.Several janma has passed before this human birth is got to achieve the purushartha.On should not have pride in birth,actions,knowledge,youth ,beauty ,wealth,etc.Pride destroys one.If someone with all these do not have pride,it is simply because my blessings are on him.The greatest example is Prahlada,my Bhakktha who does not desire anything though he has everything mentioned above and is not proud of them.This Mahabali,his grandson is great and has aquired fame for winning my Maaya and being sthithapragna in loss of everything.He fell from position of Indra suddenlyand lost everything .The Guru himself cursed him.He did not feel disturbed by my false words of insult whichwere intended to test him.In any circumstances he did not falter from satya and dharma.I am giving him a place which even the endless,deathless deva have not achieved so far.During the Savarni Manuanthara he will be the Indra .Till that time he will live in the famous Suthala which was built by Viswakarma.It is a place where my blessing is always active,and where because of that no tiredness and weakness or hurt happen to anyone.There he will live happily with his friends and relatives and not even the eight Lokapala will disobey him.Those who do not obey him will be immeadiately destroyed by my Sudarsana.I will be protecting him there personally.He can see and visit me always there.Even the vaasana of the asura race will be destroyed in him by my constant contact and eternal darsana of me.
Prahlada said:-Bhagawan,You are worshipped by deva,Brahma and Sankara.Yet you have become our Durgapaalaka(protector of fortress).Who will get such a luck except us?What did our race do to get such love from you?It is just your compassion,not our merit that gave us this blessing.
Bhagavan asked Prahlada to go to Suthala with Mhabali and live there happily and that he can see Bhagvan wearing the Koumodaki mace in the door of Suthala always .Then Bhagavan asked Sage Sukra to do the rest of the yagna and fulfil the karma which had begun but obstructed and delayed.
Sukra said:-Whatever obstructions happen to a karma by wrong pronounciation of swara and manthra,wrong methods of thanthra,or due to defects of kaala and desa,are removed just by the pronounciation of name of Hari.Therefore,the karma started by the bhaktha of Hari,like Mahabali ,will be done by the grace of Bhagwan himself .
This is the story of Mhabali and Vamanavathara in Bhagavatha.The concept that Mhabali,the old emperor of India comes back to see his empire once a year and the day of Vamanajayanthi are together celebrated historically in all over Tamilspeaking country,and at present in Kerala which was part of Tamil-speaking Chera kingdom.
As we have already seen the sapthamaskanda is dealing with the kings and races of the South India.The 8th Skanda continues with the successors of these kings.It is important to note that the greatest king of the Ikshwaku race,Sri Rama belongs to this race .
The Satyavratha Rajarshi of Dravidadesa was born as ViavaswathaManu and Ikshwaku.was of this vansa.In this vansa were born Utkala,Gaya,Vimala,and these three became the three emperors of Dakshinaapatha .
Among the sons of Vaivaswatha Manu one was Prishadra who was sent for Goraksha to forests.On one dark night he heard the cry of a cow and roar of a tiger and thinking that it is the tiger he unknowingly killed a cow in the darkness of night.Because of this himsa he became a soodra king.He became great devotee of Vishnu and a yogin .By his Ekanthikabhakthy he became a paramahansa and wandered around as gnaanathriptha .He got final liberation from a forest fire.The youngest of the brothers of Ikshwaku was Kavi.He was by birth a Bhaktha and gnani and went to forest to do austerities and dhyana of Vishnu.From one of the brothers of Ikshwaku named Kaaroosha ,the races of kings in the Northern parts who were famous for their dharma,Dwijabhakthy and purity of race were born.From another brother Drishta were born the Dhaarshtaas and this kshathriya clan became Brahmana by karma.
The vansa of Nriga (another brother of Ikshawaku) is as follows:-
Nriga- sumathy-Amoghajyothis-vasu-Pratheekan.6th generation was children of Pratheeka Oghavan and Oghavathy.
Oghavathy married a Brahmana Sudarsanan and a Brahmakshathravansa originated from them.
Another brother of Ikshwaku was Narishyantha .His vansa:-
Narishyantha-Chithrasena-Daksha-Idwaan-Koorchan-Indrasenan-Veethihothra-Satyasravas-Urusravas-Devadathan-Agnivesyan the avathaar of Agni .He is also called Kaaneena and Jaathukarna.(The great Ayrveda Acharya).The Brahmakula of Agnivesya thus originated from one of the brothers of Ikshawku.
Another brother Dhishta had a son Naabhaaga-He became a vaisya because of his karma.His son is Balandana,his son Valspreethy,his son praamsu,his son is Pramathi,his son khanithra,his son Chakshusha,his son Vivimsathy,his son Rambhan,his son Khaninethran,his son Karandhaman,his son Aveekshithu and his son Maruthan.The sacrifice of Marutha with Samvarthaka son of Angirasa is a famous event in all scriptures.Son of Marutha was Daman,his son Rajyavardhanaan,his son Sudrithy,his son Naran,his son Kevalan,then Vegavan,and his son Bandhu.The son of Bandhu is Thrinabindu.Both Thrinabindu and Karandhama are names occurring in Rgveda.
Thrinabindu married an apsara called Alambushadevi and had sons and a daughter called Idavida.She married Visravas and had Kubera(Vaisravana)as her son.Ravana of Ramayana fame was his stepbrother.
Among the three sons of Thrinabindu ,the eldest was Vishala whobuilt the famous Vaishali .His son was Hemachandra,his son Dhoomraksha,his son Samyama,and his son Sahadeva.His son is Krisaswa,his son Somadatha,who did several yagna and by blessings of Yogesa Vishnu attained Sadgathy.The son of Somadatha was Sumathy,his son Janamejaya.All these are the races from Naabhaaga (Vaisya kings) and famous .
Another brother of Ikshwaku was Saryathi and his daughter was Sukanya ,who became wife of Chyavana .Chyavana made his father-in-law do Somayaga .In that yaaga Chyavana,the great Brighuvansi,gave soma to Aswins (which was not usual because they had adopted the profession of Medicine considered as Neechavrithy)and Indra took his vajra to kill Chyavana.With the power of Chyavana,the hand and the vajra of Indra was made senseless and immobile.
The sons of Saryathi were Uthanabarhis,Aanartha,and Bhoorishena.Revatha was son of Aanartha.He built Kusasthali in Raivathaka which is a fortified city within the sea of Aanarthadesa.It was on this city ,millennia later Srikrishna built his city of Dwaraka.Revatha ahd 100 sons together called Kukudmaas.His daughter was Revathy.23 chathuryuga after Revathaka’s lifetime and the founding of Kusasthali lived Balarama and Krishna and Balarama married the Revathy,daughter of Revatha.
The famous Ambareesha was son of Naabhaaga ,another brother of Ikshwaku.He was paramabhagavatha and ruled the seven Dweepa as overlord .How he quenched the anger and pride of sage Durvaasa with his fixed bhakthy in Hari is wellknown.The Sudarsana wheel and its power of Vishnu is seen in that story .The vansa of Ambareesha is as follows:-
He had three sons.Viroopa,Kethumaan,and Sambhu.
Son of Viroopa –Prishadswa-Ratheerathan-Ratheerathan did not have children.Therefore the king requested sage Angiras to give him children.Thus in the wife of Ratheeratha Angiras had the famous sons called Angirasaas the vedis Rishis.They are great sages who know both Kshathriya and Brahmana dharma .They are called Brahmana with kshathradharma or Brahmakshathra .
Ikshwaku vansa:-
Ikshwaku had 100 sons among whom Vikukshi,Nimi and Dandaka are the eldest three.25 sons of Ikshawku ruled the eastern countries outside Aryavartha.25 Ruled on western side outside Aryavartha.Three ruled in the Middle.The rest in north and south .Thus entire Bharathakhanda and outside of it was spread the race of Ikshwaku .
For a sacrifice Vikukshi brought the meat of rabbit after eating himself and for that adharma he was expelled from country by his father and Kulaguru Vasishta. When the father died Vikukshi came back from forest exile and in the name of Sasaada(one who ate rabbit)started to rule.His son was Puranjaya who had synonyms of Indravaaha,Kukutsa etc.Indra took the form of a great bull and carried Puranjaya in a devasura battle to win over the asuras and therefore he had these names.Son of Puranjaya was Anenas,his son was Prithu who first made agricultural reforms and agrarian settlers economy in India.His son is Viswarandhyan,his son Chandran,his son Yuvanaswan,and Yuvanaswa built the city of Saabasthy(Sravasthy).His son was Brihadaswan,his son Kuvalayaswan.Since he killed asura Dundhu he is called Dundhumaara.His sons Dridaswa,Kapilaswa and Bhadraswa alone survived the battle with Dundhu.
Haryaswa and his vansa:- Dridaswa had son Haryaswa-Nikumbha his son,Barhanaswa-Krisaswa-Senajith-Yuvanaswan.-Mandhaathav( mentioned in the Rgveda) who was fed by Indra and who gave him the name of Thrasadasyu.He ruled the seven dweepa of earth.For him in the daughter of Sasabindu Indumathy ,were born three sons .Purukutsan,Ambareeshan and Muchukundan.The 50 sisters of them married Soubhari Rishi and went to Kaalindi river .
Ambareesha son of Mandhatha had a son Youvanaswan,his son Haareethan.
The Naagakanya Narmada was given in marriage to Purukutsa ,son of Mandhatha by her brothers.She took him to Naagaloka and his son is Thrasadasyu ,his son Anaranyan,his son Haryaswan,his son Arunan,his son Thribandhanan,his son is Sathyavratha commonly known as Thrisanku.He became Candaala by Gurusaapa and was protected by sage Viswamithra.He is still seen as the starcluster of Thrisanku(The southern Cross or Crux)in the sky.Harischandra was son of Thrisanku and with blessings of Varuna after several years of marriage he had a son Rohitha.Son of Rohitha is Haareetha,his son is Champan,who built the city of Champa .His son was Vasudeva,his son Vijayan ,his son Bharukan,his son Vrikan,his son Baahukan,his son Sagaran.Sagara according to the advice of Kulaguru Orvan(Sukra/Brighuvansi) defeated Ksathriya called balakhilya of eastern parts,and the terrible Yavana,saka and the Heyhaya kings ,Barbara kings etc.In his sacrifice his sons made the searoutes to all places by their shipmarks .All the sons of Sagara were killed by the gnaanadrishty of Kapila ,the avathar of Vishnu ,doing penance in eastern ocean near the mouth of Ganga.The grandson of Sagara(son of Asamanjasa and Kesni )called Amsuman saw kapila and worshipped him and pleased him and fulfilled his grandfather’s sacrifice.
Son of Amsuman was Dileepa.His son Bhageeratha brought Ganga down and thus Ganga got her name Bhageerathy.Son of Bhageeratha was Srutha.Srutha ‘s son Nabhi,his son Sindhudweepan,his son Ayuthayus,his son Rithuparna who adviced Aswahridaya to Naishada king Nala,his son Sarvakaaman,his son Sudaman,his son Soudaasan.He has synonyms of Mithrasaha and Kanmashapaada and became a rakshasa eating meat due to curse of Kulaguru Vasishta.While roaming in forest as a Rakshasa he swallowed a Brahmana who was in the posture of intercourse with his wife to have a son.Due to this act he had a curse that if he touch his wife he will be dead.When he came back after 12 years of his Rakshasa life the queen Madayanthy told him of thi curse and therefore the king requested Vasishta to give him a son.Thus in Madayanthy Vasishta gave him a son named Asmaka ,because the child had to be taken out by a stone tool(a Caeserian ?).When Parasuraama was killing all the Kshthriya clan ,this boy was protected by women and therefore he is also called Nareekavachan.Since he was the only one alive after the terrible massacre of Parasurama ,for revival of his race ,he became the root of the vansa after that period and hence called Moolaka also.
Moolaka’s son was Dasaratha ,his son Ailavilan,his son Viswasahan,his son Khatwangan who became an emperor.He fixed his mind inVishnu and was not desirous of any worldly pleasures.His son was Deerghabaahu and his son the famous Raghu,and his son Ajan,and his son king Dasarathan.The son of Dasaratha was Srirama,the avathaar of Vishnu .He was born with Anantha(Lakshmana),Panchajanya(Bharatha)and Sudarsana wheel(Sathrugna)as the son of Dasaratha in the vansa of Ikshwaku,of Raghu ,and of Dasaratha.
Thus the entire Ikshwaku vansa which started from Dravidadesa and spread to all of India and beyond is described with its chronology and the great memorable events associated with the periods of each of the kings .Apart from the message of Bhakthy,gnaana ,and karma of Bhagavatha one has to appreciate the sense of history and its communication to masses which the ancient people had .Ignoring them as myth we are actually negating our own history and our own existence .
Vyasa gives minimum space for Srirama and his Avathara inBhagavatham The 9th skanda 10th chapter (56 slokas)summarise the entire Ramayana.11th chapter (35 slokas)summarise UtharaRamayana.The reason is obvious.The story has been told in great detail and there was no need for him to elaborate upon it.But he had to describe what happened to the great race of Ikshawku after Rama .The 12th chapter says this chronology
Sreerama had two sons Kusa and Lava.
Successors of Kusa:- Athithy,Nishadhan,Nabhan,Pundareekan,Kshemadhanuav,Devaaneekan,Aneehan,Paaariyathara,Balan,Sthalan,Vajranabhan,Swaganan,Vidhruthy,Hiranyanabhan (who learned Yoga from Jaimini who had leared the ancient yoga of Yagnavalkya of Kosaladesa)-Pushyan,Dhruvasandhi,Sudarsanan,Agnivarnan,Seegran,Maru.Maru was yogin and went to Kalaapagrama and at the end of Kaliyuga his progeny will again manifest the branch of Sooryavansa
If we apply the method of Herodotus here (The man who invented history.Travels with Herodotus.Justin Marozzi2008.John Murray An Hatchett Livre UK company)which he applied for the timespan of generations of kings in Memphis ,
100 years for three generations.Therefore from Rama to Maru is 22 generations and 735 years after Rama ,in Threthayuga end the Vansa disappered into Kalapagrama.
In Dwaparayuga ,from that branch came up the following kings in order:-
Prasusruthan,Sandhi,Amarshanan,Mahaswan,Viswabaahau,Prasenajith,Thakshaka(the builder of city of Taxila),-Brihadbalan .(He was killed by Abhimanyu ,father of King Pareekshith in Kurukshethra war).-BrihadrananThat is only 9 generations about 300 years before Kurukshethra war..
After that the generations of this king is given which could be added as and when the kings died which is commonly done in the funeral rites by the officiating priest of their vansa .
Brihadrana-purukriya,-Vatsavridha-Prathivyoma-Bhanu,Divakaran,sahadevan,Brihadaswan,Bhanuman,Pratheekaswan,Supratheeekan,Marudhevan,Sunakshathran,Pushkaran,Antharikshan,Suthapas,Amithrajith,Brihadraajan,Barhis,Krithanjaya,Rananjaya,Sanjaya,Saakya,Sudhodana,Laanghala,Prasenajith,Kshudraka,Runaka,Suratha,Sumithran .(29 generatins 970 years )Since we know the time of Budha and Kshudraka the timescale of this branch of kings in Nepal (Kapilavasthu)is possible.The time of Purukriya is then roughly BC 1450-1500.But there is a gap between him and Brihadrana son of the one killed by Abhimanyu in Mahabharatah war.Since the period of Krishna and Deluge of Dwaraka is BC 3004 a period of 1500 is between them.
But the generation of kings from Vaivaswathamanu to Raama in Ayodhya is given in series as 56 and from Kusa to Maru as 22 making a list of 78 generations continuously which by Herodotus method is 2600 years of continuous administration.And that of Mithila is given as a listof 62 kings of which Janaka ,father of Seetha is 30th.Dasaratha and Janaka as contemporaries ,and Yagnavalkya being the Guru of Janaka and a Upanishadic rishi of great fame the antiquity of Yogic knowledge prior to Mahabharatha period has to be understood.
2600 years from Manu to Maru
A gap of generations after Maru.
300 yrs before BC 3004 a line of 9 kings (that is BC 3304)
Another gap.
Then from Purukriya to Budha 970 yrs
From Budha to Sumithra 7 generations(note that Sidhartha’s name is not there since he didn’t sit on the throne of Kapilavasthu) 235 yrs roughly.
2600+300 is 2900 yrs before BC 3004 which will make BC 5900-6000 even if we ignore the gap in between for beginning of threthayuga .(And archeologically the Mehrgarh period is about 7000-6000 BC ).So chronology in Bhagavatha is of help in correlating our history an darcheological past.
When Vyasa discuss Chandravansa he says the 5th of the lineage Purooravas made the agni ,and the Vedas in the beginning of Threthayuga.And the great lineage of Yadu and Pooru and Anu,Thurvasu etc from King Yayathi,son of Purooravas.The Yaduvans ais important because in it was born the great Krishna as son of Vasudea and Devaky.After giving the chronology of Yaduvansa Vyasa proceeds from 9th skanda to the dasamaskanda of Bhagavatha ,which is the story of Krishna in great detail.
Thus there is a very definite plan and orderly way of unfolding history in Bhaagavatha and it is not a haphazard way of narrating some myth.It is with knowledge of history,and science of races and their survival,and the geographical features of the land where the races live in relation to the world around that Vyasa tells his story.
Dasamaskandha starts with the analysis of why Krishna was born?
What are his great deeds?
How did he protect the ancestors of Pareekshith from the great ocean of army of kuru with whales and crocodiles like warriors (karma,Bheeshma,Drona,Duryodana,Dussasana etc) like a ship ?The greatest medicine for cure of all diseases of samsaara,worshipped by all desireless people,and which gives bliss when listened to is his name.How it protected the life of Pareekshith ,destined to end with the Brahmasthra of Aswathama within the womb of his mother itself?What are the worshippable karma of that kaalaswaroopa who is both mrityu and amritha ,who is inside and outside everything?
How did the son of Rohini without having body relation is being called the 7th son of Devaki?Why was he taken to Gokula?What are his deeds in Gokula,Mathura and in Dwaraka ?Why did he kill his own uncle Kansa?How many years he lived on this earth?How could a yogin like him accepted Grihastha ashram and how many wives?When one hear the stories of Krishna one forgets hunger and thirst.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
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